Friday, April 30, 2021

Better Stay Warm Tonight


Better Stay Warm Tonight

 This is a rap song from the point of view of the fire god. He's singing about how he feels guilty - and you finally find out why he feels too guilty to go back up to the sun to face his family and friends. It's cuz climate change has made fires more scary and destructive, and the resultant horrible destruction, brought upon by fire (the god of which he is) makes him feel bad. He also talks about his relationship to the girl after she becomes a fire goddess in that past life where he turned her into one.

The lyrics are:

We used to be an oven together
And people would flee when we made the fi-ire weather
I set her free to be light as a feather
Now they could see her flames, bright and un-tethered
We were a toaster oven in the ever lovin' sky
Roasting above, in covens of the fire god tribe
Inside the sun, our buns got warm as atom bombs
Singing, well done, we stunned them with our fire god songs

It better stay warm tonight

I am feeling poorest because of something I have done
I burned down a forest and made the animals run
I do more damage because the weather got weird
Blowing like a fan, winds of war ran death and things get seared
That's why I came to her when I was feeling bad
I felt, with shame, like a turd; will she make me less sad?
She used to have kind words, but I got stuck inside her
Now...I feel absurd cuz she thinks she's a lighter

It better stay warm tonight

I felt safe in the haven of her warm embrace
In this place with her grace, I feel like I can face
Bad feelings that leave me reeling from the force
Of this real thing...that's...climate changing course
I feel too badly to go back up to the sun
And face my family; will I be judged? It's not fun
Even though they're nice to me and my friends...are cool
I feel cold as ice cuz I feel like I broke a rule
It better stay warm tonight

Say, I'm not doing that well, doing that well

Here's the alternative player thingy, in case the one at the top doesn't work when you try to play it:

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