Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Money Shadow Song



 I might be starting a new album, in parallel with the possession album. This is the second in a series of songs where I give voice to my shadow (a Jungian archetype that encompasses the parts of the psyche that the person disowns). I have a complex relationship to money. I think lots of people do, and I'm one of them. I'm going to leave it to the listener to decide which parts of the song are my shadow and which parts are my conscious position. (In other words, the singing is one part, and the rapping is another part). 

That part of putting us both together pertains to the Transcendent Function in Jungian theory. Or at least I think it does. It's sort of like you build a bridge between these two archetypes that seem at odds with each other. It creates something that transcends both, as in the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.(If there're any Jungians out there who think I got this wrong, please let me know!)

The lyrics are:
I am poor, and I am stupid
Closing doors sing like soup kitchens
I cannot run a business
Smoking pot, I failed my piss test

 I am the lady that makes people pay me
Money, all over me feels like it's raining
And I don't care if they get poor
Money's the thing that I most adore
I don't care if everyone
Is poor with their lives undone
They're sore, from not having fun
I'm bored: they are not my problem

Can we put us both together?

As usual, here's the other player-thingy just in case the one up top doesn't work on your portable electronic device:

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