Friday, October 2, 2020

Grandma's Room



 This is the next song in the possession album. The me-character has a dream of being in her grandmother's room, where her grandmother tells her the truth about the possession by the fire-god. Her grandmother tells her she's possessed by a fire-god because the me-character's spirit has fire in it, and the fire-god is drawn to that fiery spirit. Yesiree. 

That old woman in the picture doesn't look like either of my actual grandmas; this picture is of more of a country-music grandma than of a real-life grandma. I always tend to think of grandmothers, when they're mentioned in country songs, as having buns in their hair.

Anyway, Grandma is concerned, so she shows up in a dream to tell me what she's concerned about. In other words, the spirit of Grandma shows up to express her concerns. 

In real life, my grandmothers have shown up in dreams, all worried, when bad things were about to happen. The most salient example is 9/11/2001. On the night of 9/9/2001, I dreamed of two tall houses right next door to each other. One of my grandmas was in one of the houses, all worried, and my dog was barking and growling in the back yard with me (both the dog and the grandma had already passed). A thunderstorm was coming, and the power suddenly went out. In the dream, I felt like it was safer to be outside than indoors, and I wondered why I felt that way, since it's usually better to go inside when there's a thunderstorm.

Anyway, well, you know the rest of the story: 9/11/2001 came 2 days later. 

The lyrics of the song are:
I went inside my Grandma's room, but I know it's just a dream
She said I had to go exhume the water that will be steam
I said do not understand, I don't know what you mean
She said that it is burning bright, the fire that is unseen

Grandma's Room, Grandma's Room

Grandma said that you are part fire, and that is alright'
And that my spirit don't retire, burning in the night
But, now, there is another spirit, burning in my name 
And when I go to drink some beer, it sings inside the flames

Grandma's Room, Grandma's Room

I was sleeping at night, and I was dreaming, a sight I saw was gleaming, the light in Grandma's room
Her tea was steeping, I had a creeping feeling, my mind keeps keeping reeling, I had a sense of doom
My grandma told me, she said it boldly, she said that there's a fire god that's living in my bed
She said my spirit, at times when I have beer in it, makes this old fire god see fit to sit inside my head
It is a warning; yer mind is forming...a weather pattern that looks like it will be storming
A fire tornado, red like tomatoes, it sings some tunes of ruin and doom, if I dare say so
I'm a mirror image of this god, and now I know why he's here, for it is fire I got and, wow, I cry, "Whoah!" 
It is true my soul has fire in it and now he's here, is it now my role to have him sit and drink my beer?

Grandma said that she is worried, that is why she came
And she said that I am burning, singing in the flames
She said that she has got a message, listen very close
There is a thing that is inside me, but it's not a ghost

Grandma's Room, Grandma's Room

Here's the alternative player-thingy, for those of you who have portable electronic devices on which the player up there doesn't work: 

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