Friday, September 18, 2020

Water All Over Me



In the next song about  possession, Timmy and Bobby come upon me spraying myself with a hose. They don't know why I'm doing that.

The lyrics are:
Bad things are coming, bad things are coming
They're inside of me

There's a flame in my brain, and it's making lots of pain
It's inside of me

Water all over me

There's a town, and I frowned cuz I burnt it all down
If I spray myself down, maybe I can save the town
I will get the hose that waters that old rose

I want to sing about some water
With spraying things, my mind is not sure
Why it's a hose inside of my hand
Spraying my clothes inside of a rand-
om yearning to be all wet
My mind's learning that it has to fret
I'm spraying water on my head now
I say I'm not sure, but I'm dead now

Water all over me

Timmy and Bobby saw me, probably
My hose was sobbing, I have  a problem
And their minds got scared
Of this wet affair

Water all over me

Here's the alternative player thingy in case it works better than the other one on your portable electronic device:

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