Wednesday, January 20, 2021

You're Just Like Your Dad



 This song came to me from a dream; it was really odd. It felt like, when it came to me, it was meant for someone else, and not me. As a result, I almost didn't write it down. But, then, I woke myself up enough to realize I should write it down, anyway.

I originally meant this song to ping pong between 2 narrators. One who's responding to the one sayin' "you're just like your dad," and the one saying, "you're just like your dad." I realized it could also be one person narrating it, sayin' all this stuff to the other person and then topping it off with, "you're just like your dad." It could probably be either, depending on what mood you're in.

The lyric are:

I know what you're thinking; you bring it up when you're drinking

You're just like your dad

You want to tell me something; you said it is coming from a bumming dream

You're just like your dad

You bring the emotional-earlm; you bring the emotional-earlm

In a moment that is emotional you said that
In a motion from the truth potion your feelings sat
With a statement that makes some sense when you think of it
You're not faking, it's your two cents, we like the same shit

You have something that you think you'd like to say
And you said you saved it for a rainy day

You're just like your dad
You're just like your dad
You're just like your dad
You're just like your dad

Here's the alternative player thingy, in case the one up at the top doesn't work when you try to play it on your portable electronic device:

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