Wednesday, January 13, 2021

I Love My Kitty Cats



 I got all worried about the cat up top because she lost her appetite about a week ago, but the vet might've figured out what the problem is. If so, she might be on the mend. But I wrote this song when I was in the middle of a freak-out about the poor kitty. The song sez, "Please say a prayer for me," and it might be more appropriate to say, "Please say a prayer for my kitty," but then it would be too many syllables. I also realized, in tossing around the idea of who the prayer should be for, that it would be okay if it was for me, cuz I wouldn't be happy if anything bad happened to my kitty, so praying for my well-being is also the same as praying for my kitty's well-being. 

The Stove Hood Adventure Kitty on the bottom picture is the one meowing in the song. I haven't been able to get any recordings of the top kitty's meows yet cuz she doesn't meow as much as the bottom kitty. Anyway, I have 3 of the same meow layered, one on top of the other; I changed the pitches of each meown in order to attempt to make a C Major chord. But, in the end, it really just sounds like a bunch of cats yelling.

The lyrics are:

I love my kitty cats

Please say a prayer for me; I love them just a bunch
Please say a prayer for me; they are my favorite bunch

I love my kitty cats

And they are so dear; I like to hear them meow
They have real big ears; I think they hear me now

I love my kitty cats; I love them quite a lot
White dove flies with these fat prayers above the sky with God
I want to make sure that I take good care of them
They are fun to play with, and they are like precious gems

I love my kitty cats

I love them quite a lot, I love them quite a lot

Please say a prayer for me; I love them just a bunch
Please say a prayer for me; they are my favorite bunch

Here's the alternative player thingy, just for good measure, just in case the traditional player, up top, is incompatible with your portable electronic device or computer:

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