Saturday, January 16, 2021

I Heard The Bombs


Bombs new rap 6th mix

Okay, so this is getting a little ridiculous, but here's, yet, another mix of the one I posted yesterday. I had to remix it because that old rap was way too loud and overwhelmed the whole mix in yesterday's version, so I'm posting a different mix tonight. I'm leaving yesterday's on there, though, because even though the rap overwhelms the mix, it's easier to understand the lyrics of it because it's so damn loud, relative to the rest of the music.

Bombs with new rap second attempt mix 3

Okay, oh dear God, I re-did the rap again. The other 2 raps were sticking in my craw; they had too many long gaps between lines and just sounded like bad poetry me. So, I did the rap again with totally different cadences. I'm feeling okay about it right now, but, who knows? Maybe tomorrow, I'll think it sucks balls. But here it is! (You can listen to all 3 if you want just for comparison's sake. Maybe you'll think all 3 suck).

Oh yeah, the lyrics in the new rap are:

I smoked a lot of pot and got baked
And then some fi-ire crackers blew me awake
That was a few days after that a-
ttempted coup, and I said, wait, this is bad: Fuck!
I thought that they were ... bombing my city
And it made me feel ... paranoid and shitty
I did not know how much it had impacted me
But that insurrection gave me the willies

Bombs with redid rap

Okay, I re-did the rap today on this here song, so the top one ("Bombs with redid rap") is the one with the re-did rap. It doesn't overwhelm the mix as much as the other one, and the words aren't as jam-packed together, so (hopefully) they're a bit easier to understand. Here're the lyrics of the re-did rap:

I had smoked pot, and I was chilling
Then I heard the fire crackers ringing
I thought they were bombing the city
I got paranoid and felt shitty
I did not know how much it impacted me
But that failed coup gave me the willies
I did not know it had messed up my head
Until I got paranoid in bed

I heard the bombs

 This song is timely, so I'm a-postin' it tonight. It's a song about how the attempted coup d'etat fucked with my brain more than I'd realized it had. Last night, I smoked pot, and after a while, all these firecrackers started going off outside. At first, I freaked out and wondered if the scary white supremacist people were bombing LA. It made me feel like everything was all unstable and nothing was safe anymore. It made me wonder if some kind of civil war was starting. Egads.

The rap in this song really sucks. I might re-do it, but I'm gonna give it a few more listens before I decide whether to do that or not. And the mix sucks, too. But, as I mentioned above, this song is timely, so I'm posting it tonight. Yesiree.

The lyrics are:

I am silent, sitting really still
If they find me, I might just get killed
If they do, then pray my soul to keep
In the place where everybody sleeps

I heard the bombs goin' off last night, but they were just fire crackers

Is this country going down to Hell?
In the toilet, like a turd, it fell
But if you ask someone indigenous
They'll say it has always been a mess

I heard the bombs goin' off last night, but they were just fire crackers

I had smoked pot, and I was chilling
Then I heard the fire crackers sing
I thought they were bombing the city
I got paranoid and felt shitty
I did not know how much it impacted me
But that attempted coup gave me the willies
I did not know how much it had messed up my head
Until I got paranoid in bed

And my mind is feeling really scared
In a country that has never cared
But now I am hanging on so dear
To a system that is built on with fear

I heard the bombs goin' off last night, but they were just fire crackers

Okay, last time, I promise: Here's the alternative player thingy with the remixed version of the newest re-did rap:

Here's the alternative player thingy with the newest re-did rap:

Here's the alternative player thingy for the version up top with the re-did rap:

Here's the alternative player thingy with the original version in case the one at the top doesn't work:


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