Thursday, January 7, 2021

Nobody Cares About You



I'm in a bad mood, so I wrote this song.

I used to believe the universe was this loving place, and that we were all connected, and there was a greater loving presence. But then some really awful shit happened to me, and I realized the universe is just a mechanical process, totally indifferent to its denizens. 

I'm dumb. I mean, I shoulda known, given all the atrocities that have happened through the ages. Nobody was protecting the indigenous people of this here continent when genocide happened to them. Nobody was protecting the Jewish people in Europe when genocide happened to them. Nobody was protecting African American people when they were subjected to the bullshit that was slavery.

I knew all that stuff, but I still wanted to live in the fantasy that there is a greater loving presence protecting us all. There isn't. Nobody cares about you.

The lyrics are:

When trees fall alone, they cry to air
Dry as a bone, and I don't care

I'm listening, but I do not care

My house is burnt, and I can't stay
Singing on air, I fly away

I'm listening, but I do not care

The universe is a mechanical process
Nobody cares about you

Nobody cares about you
Nobody cares about you

I used to think that everything was alright
The universe told me it would sing through the night
Making us feel like we are safe in our beds
But it just stares, it does not care, then we're dead

Here's the alternative player thingy, in case the one up there doesn't work when you try to play it on your portable electronic device:

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