Friday, October 16, 2020

We Don't Know Too Much About This



 This is the song where Timmy and Bobby decide they need to spring into action, now that it's been confirmed that the me-character has been possessed by the spirit of a fire god. But they don't know what they should do.

The lyrics are:
It is time to get real serious cuz we have to save our friend
From this thing that seems so furious, can we get her on the mend?
Do we need a priest or rabbi or a shaman to come down?
Dunno if this is a bad guy and our feelings start to frown

We don't know too much about this

Now she's saying stuff that sounds like that old fire god is here
Are we praying enough to ground her? Should we get her some more beer?
Should we talk to that old fire god to find out what he's about?
And our thinkings say, oh why not? But we're scared and have our doubts

We don't know too much about this

(Our) friend is suffering but she's tougher than things that might be bad
She is swallowing something wallowing, and it sounds real sad
It's a possession....And our confession:
We need a lesson … in exorcism
Our friend is feeling a burn...and now we need to go learn
Things that will get feeling better

We don't know too much about this

We don't know too much about this thing

Here's the other player thingy, in case the one up at the top doesn't work on your music-playing-computer/phone/tablet-thingy.

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