Friday, October 30, 2020

Something that I Can't Un-see



This is the song where the me-character becomes aware of what the fire-god who is possessing her feels guilty about. She sees people who have been burnt to death - see last week's song where you find out the god of fire feels guilty because fire was used by these mean old Puritan guys to burn alleged witches, back in the day. In this song, the me-character also struggles with the feeling that she's turning into the fire god and often confuses his thoughts with her thoughts.

The lyrics are:
And I burn in fire, he's retired, and I'm such a mess
My mind turns so dire, I perspire, cuz I'm feeling stressed

I saw something that can not be unseen, and it sits in my dreams
“My God,” I sing, why are people so mean? Man, this shit is frightening

I saw something that I can not un-see: It's bad
My God, it burns my eyes and sticks with me: I'm sad
They burned some people and I saw them after they were dead
Flames turned to evil, oh my, now there's ashes in my bed
I'm Becky, but I might be something else instead
Fire pecks me, or just maybe I'm flames, turning red
Am I a fire god or am I just a person possessed?
My mind feels real odd and I cry cuz I'm scared the most-est

And I burn in fire, he's retired, and I'm such a mess
My mind turns so dire, I perspire, cuz I'm feeling stressed

Yes, this fire god is a god of nature and these men have made sure
These girls would not sing cuz they're in danger, and not pray to nature

This is why that fire god feels so guilty
And I'm not inspired cuz I am wilty
With these memories of a thing that chills me
Can I get rid of them? I guess. We'll see.

Here's the other player-thingy just in case the one up at the top doesn't work on your portable-electronic-devices.

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