Saturday, October 31, 2020

Smoking Song



This song's in the same vein as the songs in that project about singing and rapping from the point of view of my shadow. But it's weirdly different. In dialoguing with my unconscious this morning, I got the message I was supposed to make art today about stuff in someone else's shadow. It, further, came to me that that someone else hates cigarettes. 

I actually ain't smoked a cigarette in a long time. But this song's about smoking cigarettes. The idear came to me for the song-character to be all worried about Mister Rogers, up in Heaven, hating her for smoking. But, my guess is Mister Rogers would respond the way he does in the picture.

Actually, looking at the lyrics, I'm remembering the song's equally divided between pot and cigarettes. If you were to ask various people their opinions about what's the more conspiliatory drug - would it be cigarettes or pot - some people would say pot's more conspiliatory and others would say cigarettes are more conspiliatory. I know conspiliatory is not a word, but I can't think of the actual word I'm trying to say. Conspiliatory is a place holder for the word I can't think of.

No, I remember, the word I'm looking for is "scandalous." I think some people would feel pot's more scandalous, and others would feel like cigarettes are. It probably depends on if the person lives in a state where pot's legal or not.

The lyrics are:

I smoked outside, after I died, under the tide
The piper was pied; I must confide, he must've lied

I smoked some cigarettes

I smoked some pot under a tree, it was just me
I smoked a lot, down on my knees, God, set me free

I smoked some cigarettes

Smoking a cigarette is lonely
When you're at home and feeling homely
Wait, would Mister Rogers say that he was not sure
If I was smoking like a monster?
Cuz I want him to never hate me
But I do not know if he'll wait for me
When I get to Heaven will this be my lesson?
That maybe I have lost my best friend

I smoked some pot, taking a toke, and forsaking a boke
I smoked a lot, and I got baked, like chicken fried steak

I smoked some cigarettes

Here's that alternative player thingy, in case the one up at the top is incompatible with your portable electronic device:

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