Friday, September 2, 2022

I Just Had a Tiny Misgiving


I Just Had a Tiny Misgiving

 Here's the second song of the fucked up relationship album I started working on. Yeah, so the way it's gonna work is: I do a song where it's the main character's public-facing self - the self that she lets the (future) boyfriend see. And the next song'll be a chopped up version of the previous song where she's sayin' some of the stuff she doesn't want the dude to know about.

The lyrics are:

This is the song where I say a secret
Thing that's in my mind - I hope you keep it
These are the things I don't want him to hear
Of him, I have a tiny bit of fear
I dunno why - I know it sounds crazy
He's a good guy but I'm scared if I say these
Things I am thinking inside of my mind
Something bad might happen if he did find out

My friends are gonna think he's too old for me, old for me

It's just a tiny misgiving

I just had a, I just had a tiny misgiving

I'll be fucking a real old guy if I get together with him, and I say:
Does his equipment work anymore? If it doesn't, I don't know if I'll stay

It's just a tiny misgiving

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