Saturday, September 3, 2022

I Just Had a Tiny Misgiving - Mix 4

I Just Had a tiny misgiving mix 4

Sorry for the repeat of yesterday's song, but I was listening to it last night and found some stuff I really needed to fix. First of all, in the first rap, the rhyme at the very end lands on the wrong beat - ARGH. That was quite the rookie mistake. So, I layered some vocals on top to make the rhyme land in the right place. 

Then the bass drops out during the "I just had a" part, which sounds all cool and mysterious. But then the bass never comes back, which in retrospect I realized is I put bass at the end, coming in at the beginning of the second rap. See, I'd figured since the repeating "I just had a" sample has bass in it, if I recorded a bass line over it, it would have too many basses crowded together. But in the final mix, the sample is too quiet for you to hear the bass. So, there's that, too. 

And the last part didn't sound grand-finale-ish enough, so I added some more layers of vocals on top. Whew.😊 (I don't know how that emoji got here).


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