Friday, August 6, 2021

Father O'Malley's Mission


O'Malley's Mission

In this possession album song, Father O'Malley offers to communicate with the fire gods in the sun because, as a priest, he has a lot of experience communicating with angels and God and stuff. He figures he can scope things out and find out whether the fire gods are made at their fire god friend for making fires that are outta control because of climate change.

The lyrics are:

Father O'Malley said he can
Talk to those fire gods up there
He said that it is a good plan
And he made us all aware...

As a priest it's part of my mission
To talk to the angels above
In addition to the Christian
God who is full of love

I think that I have a skill set
From my training as a priest
I can talk to those fire gods, I'll bet
In the sun that rises in the east

As a priest it's part of my mission
To talk to the angels above
In addition to the Christian
God who is full of love

As a priest I can talk on the telephone with things that are deities
Or at least I can send them an email if it will better meet their needs
At the sound of the tone, I will leave a brief message; I will say to those gods
Are you chilled to the bone to fine out that our fire god friend burned an awful lot
I will send some...smoke the fire gods and I will find out
Do they feel bummed...when they think of...what their friend's done and through the smoke clouds
They will tell me because I am really good at getting people to talk to me
People trust me to listen to them because I take confession real seriously

Maybe I can get some answers
From the fire god's friends
If I engage them in banter
They'll say if their friendship needs to mend

As a priest it's part of my mission
To talk to the angels above
In addition to the Christian
God who is full of love

Here's the alternative player thingy, in case the one up above doesn't work on your portable electronic device:

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