Friday, December 11, 2020

Death Song to Make Bears Come

 In this song, the me-character realizes that, even though Father O'Malley threw holy water on her, the fire god is still inside her. Then she gets inspiration to call on bears, who are her friends and protectors in the spirit world. If nothing else, they can continue to remind her who she really is, so she doesn't lose her identity because she's scared that old fire god might take over.

I revisit a theme I've used in other songs cuz it's a song I think of as being my death song, a song you sing when you're about to die to let the spirit world know you're a-comin'. Since the me-character feels a kinship with bears, she's predicting that singing that old death song will call bear spirits to her cuz she feels a kinship with them. Bear spirits will recognize her when they hear the song and come to her assistance. 

A death-song is actually a concept I'm borrowin' from various Native cultures on this here continent. I hope I'm not mangling the concept or being a culturally appropriating dick by making use o' this here concept. It's something I think about a lot, though. It seems like the best way to die would be singing a death song (or maybe laughing). 


The lyrics are:

That fire god's still inside me
And I might lose my identity
The fire god is an entity
Stuck in side me, but Jesus sent me

Something that will remind me
My spirit's still inside me
That death song melody
Will help me start to see

I have ears that won't stop ringing
My mind is broken, but I can't stop singing
I'm blind and stupid, but I'm learning
The world is turning, but it won't stop burning

I have some allies that
I did not know were there
They look like dogs and cats
I'll call the singing bears!

My mind is stupid and singing
I don't know why my ears have not stopped ringing
Maybe I'm stupid, but I'm learning
The world is turning, but it won't stop burning

It's the death song that will call the bears to me because
They will know who I am and they care cuz I'm their cous-
in with musical inspiration that makes them come
It's a death song, and it's a rule of thumb
It's a musical calling card that will make them come
They won't lose me; even from far, they will come run
They're the bears, they're the bears, and I know that they do care
I'm aware that they care, and they'll come down Heaven's stair

Here's the alternative player-thingy just in case the one up there at the top doesn't work on your portable electronic device:

Here's the bears song from a few weeks ago: this is the one that'll be next in the album after this week's song. But since I already posted it, I'm not gonna make a whole new post.

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