Friday, January 13, 2023

Minimum Description Length Song

Here's the next song in the fucked up relationship album. It continues to flesh out the thing about me telling mean-boyfriend about this experiment I was thinking of for my dissertation. Suddenly, he gets all excited and sez I'm a GENIUS because I've come up with a MINIMUM DESCRIPTION LENGTH MODEL of cognition or something along those lines. Like, huh? Like, um, what? Huh?

Minimum Description Length Song - Mix 2

 The lyrics are:

He said I'd come up with a minimum description length model of psychology
He said I'd come up with a minimum description length model of psychology

Anyone to could I compare anyone to this man?

Wow! It's a minimum description length - that makes me a genius, I guess

My boyfriend listened to my
Idea I want to try
It's just an experiment
This is what I said - then he went
Crazy...he said this
May be...the bestest
Genius idea he'd
Heard in his whole life; yes, indeed
He said I'd win a Nobel
Prize if this study goes well
Cuz it has minimum des-
criptions in it - that's good, um, I guess
I don't...really know
What he...means, even though
It's my own idea, I guess
And I'm a genius - I'm the best!

Wow! It's a minimum description length
He said I'd come up with a minimum description length
Model of psychology

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