Saturday, December 31, 2022

I Don't Know What To Say

I Don't Know What To Say

 I've been wanting to write a song like this for a long time. Y'know how when music comes to you in your dreams, it sometimes keeps changing constantly, in a really cool way? Like, it goes from one part to the next to the next to the next, in a smooth sequence? And when I wake up to write it down, I can only capture just a teeny tiny part of it, and all the rest of it falls out of my memory. 

Well, this morning, I kept waking up and hearing a fragment of a song; so I'd write down that fragment and then go back to sleep. Well, that bit o' music would be stuck in my head, and then in the next dream, the music would play, and then go to the next part of the larger song that it is. So, I'd wake up and write that next part down. I kept repeating that process 5 or 6 times, and then I made a whole song out of it.

All the lyrics are from the actual dreams (except for the intial rap, and except for the part where I sing about it being the last day of 2022 - that part of the song didn't actually have lyrics in the dream, so I had to make 'em up after the fact). 

The lyrics are:

I had a dream with a song in it, and then I wrote it down
And then I fell asleep and the next part of the song came out
And I kept repeating this process, and it don't make me frown
It's an evolving song from dreams, and this is how it sounds:

I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say

It's the last day of 2022

I love you, but our relationship is complicated
I love you but our relationship is complicated

I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say

Quack, quack, like a duck - oh my gosh

That leaves us terribly in danger
That leaves us terribly in danger

That leaves us solidly in danger
That leaves us solidly in danger

I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say

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