Thursday, February 4, 2021

The Bad Relationship Song #999



 This is a song about being in a bad relationship and looking back on it and realizing both people in it were idiots. Neither were impeccable. Both people, both of them, were horrid jerks. The narrator of the song, further, laments that she cannot take back her (or his) bad behavior and all the dumb stuff that happened in the dumb-stupid relationship.

They lyrics are:

It's the bad relationship song number nine hundred and ninety nine

This is a tale but it's not of two cities
It is a tale of two idiots
Yes we have failed cuz we are shitty
It is a tale of people who are butts

I wish that I could take it back...yesterday

It's the bad relationship song number nine hundred and ninety nine

I am not an innocent bystander
I am not an innocent bystander: We're both idiots

We are the ships that are passing at night
Now you see that we're shitty and bad, and a blight
On the pristine sea, when we're seen
We make it seem like it's a bad dream

I am not an innocent bystander: We're both idiots/

Here's the alternative player thingy, in case the one up there doesn't work:

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