Thursday, November 19, 2020

Holy Water/I'll try to Not Misjudge Your Name



This is the next song in  the album about possession. The singing part of the song is from the point of view of Timmy and Bobby, and the rapping part is from the point of view of holy water, the very holy water Father O'Malley is going to use in the exorcism ritual stuff.

The lyrics are:

I'll try to not misjudge your name

Holy water has a lot of baggage that's attached to it
I'm emotionally not sure what's my thought – does Jesus live inside this spit?

I'll try to not misjudge your name

Holy water is the name of something churches like to use
But I'm not sure cuz the same old churches have that chilld abuse

I'll try to not misjudge your name

I'm holy water, I'm holy water water
I'm holy water and I see that you're not sure
You're thinking will I save this ship that's sinking?
Or am I just a thing you'll be drinking
I'm water that the church says is holy
They're cock-sure; they assert this thing boldly
They say that I have Jesus's power
Wait, you see just a shower

I won't misjudge your name

Here's an alternative player thingy just in case the one up at the top is incompatible with your portable electronic device:

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