Sunday, August 30, 2020

Mourning September



 This here song is a bonus song because the first part of the rap came in a dream. I've been starting to dream raps, like I do with other types of songs. I'm not sure if this song'll go on the new album or not because it's rather general. But, then again, the general nature of  it might make it fit well because characters in stories can be going through general stuff. 

This song might be a little bit derivative of Linkin Park because it reminds me of "My December," but this one has a different theme to it. This is about being a person in a bad place, anticipating the next month will be bad.

The lyrics are:

I started thinking, I started thinking
Then, I was drinking, drinking and thinking
I started singing cuz I was drinking
Drinking and singing, thinking and drinking
Fire is inside me, burning the embers
Water with fire dismember September
But every single month will be bad
Feeling the punch, it makes me so sad

Mourning September

I don't know what will happen next

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