Saturday, August 22, 2020

She's Not Alright

Here's the next song on the album about possession. I guess, now that I think of it, and album in which I (the writer of this album) am 1. a main character and 2. demon-possessed might be creepy to some listeners. Years ago, I'd never've dreamed of making an album like that. But then bad stuff happened to me, and given that it involves bad health stuff, it often feels like I need an exorcism of some kind. Fuckity fuck.

In any event, this song is about Timmy and Bobby, after having visited me and seeing me being off, deciding to gimme a call to make sure I'm alright. But then I sound fucked up on the phone, so they know I'm not alright. Hopefully, this comes across clearly in the song, itself, cuz - as earlier entries discuss - my goal in making this album is to create a rock opera thingy in which the listener doesn't need any additional explanation to know what it's about. Yesiree.

The lyrics are:
She's not alright; oh, fuck, what's wrong?
We called tonight - did we wait too long?

She's not alright

Our feelings burn, and we are scared
We are concerned because we care

She's not alright

Our friend is fucked up and stuck in the muck of bad luck
We cannot believe how much something can suck
She is sounding on the phone like she's a mess
Troubles, mounting, give us the go to address
This problem, this issue - it is real bad
We're Timmy and Bobby, and we are sad
What is this thing going on with our friend?
And can we bring something to make her mend?

Here's another player-thingy, just in case the one up at the top doesn't work on your portable electronic device:

This is a really bad mix of the song. I'm gonna leave it up here because I'm all weird and paranoid that the better mix one might not work (I need to test it out to see if it works). I figure a bad mix is better than no mix at all. If the good mix works, don't listen to this one, unless you want to hear what a bad mix sounds like.

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