Saturday, July 4, 2020

Addendum: When There's No One Around

Yesterday night, after I'd posted this song, I realized what it's about. That's the odd thing about these songs I get from dreams - often, I don't know what they're about, even when I'm in the process of word-smithing the lyrics. I realized last night, wait, this song is about how animals go off to be alone when they die.

Bein' alone, y'know, when there's no one around, is a good thing for animals to do when they die - depending on your belief system (and both are addressed in this song), it's easier to either merge into the collective under those circumstance, or it's easier to access Heaven. Yesiree. (See yesterday's entry for the lyrics and a longer description of this here ditty).

Here's an alternative player-thingy for if the one above doesn't work with your portable electronic device.

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