Saturday, December 9, 2023

Good Night, Sweetie

Good Night Sweetie

This song came to me in a dream this morning. See, I've been thinking about the moment the clock switches over to midnight and, suddenly, it's the next day. My brain has recently been askin', what if (for example) December 8th was my last good day, and something horrible is going to happen on December 9th?

The image this song brings up is of someone whose partner is not long for this world. Maybe terminally ill or something like that. And every night, when it becomes midnight, the protagonist wonders if yesterday was the last day her partner will have spent 24 hours with her. Will the new day be the day he dies? And when that does eventually happen, her life will be divided in 2. The before-time (the time before her partner died) and the after-time (the time after her partner died). Yeah, I guess this song is a little depresso-genic.

I mean, the partner could also be female. I just said, "the day he dies," and stuff for the sake of brevity.

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