Friday, October 20, 2023

Yet Another Half-Blind and Out of Balance Demo

Half Blind 10.20.23 demo with bass

 Hi everyone! Here's my next demo of this song. I may end up with a thousand demos before I'm done with all of this and stuff. I was just experimenting around with moving it up to the key of D because in the key of C, it went too low for my vocal range. The final version won't have strummy guitars in it; the arrangement'll be closer to the version I did week-before-last. Just playin' around. I wanted to try changing up the song structure just a tiny bit and tweaking the raps a little bit. There's still a little additional tweaking I need to do to the raps, before I go for it and do the polished version. And I may end up with 10 polished versions cuz I wanna make sure my vocals don't suck, and they tend to suck a lot when I try to do the definitive version of a song. The alien cats in the picture go with this song, yes, indeed.

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