Friday, October 27, 2023

The Nipomo Oak Trees

The Nipomo Trees

Okay, yeah. So, I'm losin' hope for the oak trees, the over 3K oak trees that are going to die in an egregious slaughter because of a horrible, massive, greed-driven housing development. Those trees are in the town where I grew up, Nipomo. It is a centuries old oak forest. The evil San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission voted to approve it this week. There was just one dissenting member, who stood up for the trees and the people of Nipomo (who will be breathing in air poisoned with particulate matter way above acceptable levels - many of whom will die of respiratory illnesses).

Yes, it's very clear to me now that 4 out of 5 planning commissioners are doing some kinds of back-room deals with the developer. And they don't mind dumping this massive development on a town that doesn't have the infrastructure to support it because Nipomo is ALWAYS getting screwed by this idiotic, unethical planning commission. FUCK THEM!!! Except for the one who dissented. She rocks. Well, the only thing that cheers me up about the whole thing is that those 4 commissioners who voted in support of this thing will go to Hell when they die.

In any event, I'm promising those trees that, when they die, I'll sing a song to let the Spirit World know they are coming. I'm hoping that'll at least ease their journey into the afterlife. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Jesus does not approve of this BULLSHIT.

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