Friday, July 28, 2023

Ask the Land/Ask the Trees


Ask the Land

This song is about an evil housing development that is getting planned in the town I grew up in. Instead of building on flat, ugly, depressing land that could be improved with the addition of some nice houses, they're planning on chopping down 3000-4000 oak trees, paving over rare natural habitat and killing a bunch of members of endangered species. So, I'm protesting against it. I see a vision of the future: hundreds and hundreds of coyotes and other wild animal will be running into the nearby neighborhoods, fleeing the destruction of their habitat. And said coyotes might just eat a bunch of people's kids and pets. That's what I'm imagining, anyway.

I wish the powers-that-be would ask the land what the land wants. Sure, people need houses, but there's a wise way to do it, a way that doesn't involve paving over land that is sacred to me. (And probably sacred to the Indigenous people from these parts,, the Chumash People).

Anyway, this is my song o' protest. Yes, indeed.

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