Tuesday, November 23, 2021

What If I Get Stuck In Traffic On Thanksgiving Day This Year?

My internet is crap again, so I can't upload the song onto the platform for the player thingy I put at the top...as soon as it starts working again, I'll post the top player-thingy.

This is my Thanksgiving song; I'm posting my usual Thursday song a few days early cuz of it being Thanksgiving on Thursday. The picture is an excerpt from a graphic novel I'm writing about when I lived in New Hampshire. I'm not likely to run into any frost heaves signs here in California.

The lyrics are:

One year when I got stuck
in bad traffic, oh fuck
Going to the Thanksgiving meal
That's when I got really bad feel-
ings of anxiety
Stuck in traffic, poor me
And the anxiety I hate
Made my stomach not feel so great
So it made the meal hard to digest
That is what you get when you're stressed
Because of getting stuck
In bad traffic, oh fuck

What if I get stuck in traffic on Thanksgiving day this year?

This year feels weird, but I don't know why it does
I am unclear, but I think it is because

I might get stuck in traffic on Thanksgiving day this year

I'll write this song, cuz I have growing concerns
Will traffic move along? My worries start to churn

What if I have a run in with congestion?
It might give me a case of indigestion
My tummy might get upset cuz of traffic
That kind of thing makes my stomach less elastic
One year, it was so bad, it took hours
It was so darn slow, that I felt dour
This year, I'll put some tunes on my stereo
Then, if I meet my doom, I'll do karaoke

I want to drive a normal freeway speed
Oh, man-alive, I'm feeling really keyed up

What if I get stuck in traffic on Thanksgiving day this year?

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