Friday, September 3, 2021

Vacuums Suck


Vacuums Suck

 This is the next song in the possession album. The girl/me-character and the fire god are tryin' to figure out why they're stuck together. Then the bears tell 'em part of the girl's soul is missing, and the void creates a vacuum. You know how vacuums suck stuff in? Cuz, like Mister Spock once said, "Nature abhors a vacuum." Because of the vacuum's suckage, part of the fire god has gotten sucked in and is filling the void. Yesiree.

The lyrics are:

I was wondering what is the deal?
And I don't know how to feel
And the bears gave me a knowing look
They said it's in a physics book

A vacuum sucks; things rush in to fill in a vacuum
Vacuums suck; things rush in to fill in a vacuum

I was wondering what did they mean?
When they said that crazy thing
(What??) There's a vacuum that's inside of me?
They said yes – they plainly see

A vacuum sucks; things rush in to fill in a vacuum
Vacuums suck; things rush in to fill in a vacuum

Now the bears have told me what is going on here
Where did this void come from? I am not clear
They say it's a vacuum, much like a Hoover
This hole is a vast room; this feels too absurd
There's a hole inside of me that's filled
With the fire god's spirit, and I'm still
Wondering how I have a vacuum
Will the rest of my spirit be back soon?
I think that's what's happening
It's a Roomba, or maybe a Shop Vac
Dustbusters are good; they get into cracks
I think that's what's happening
Maybe it's Dyson cuz they work good
Or a Mighty Mite from my childhood

There's a part that's missing from my soul
Keeping me from being whole
And the fire god, unknowingly
Came and filled the void in me

A vacuum sucks; things rush in to fill in a vacuum
Vacuums suck; things rush in to fill in a vacuum
 I think that's what's happening

Here's the alternative player thingy, in case you'd rather use it than the one up top:

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