Friday, July 9, 2021

That's Bullshit


That's Bullshit

 Okay, yeah, I decided the song I did last night doesn't suck, or at least it doesn't suck as much as I thought it did when I initially recorded it.

In short, this song is about how human life these days is a bunch of bullshit. I worried that it was too general (like, a song about how life sucks - that's kind of general), but, in the end, I decided that I needed to say it, anyway.

I wonder what it was like to live in the time period when my ancestors were indigenous...John Trudell said it: If we trace our lineage back far enough we were all indigenous at some point.

As a species, well, I feel like we're all fucked...not only because of the whole earth going to hell because of all the ecological destruction and all, but also, we're fucked on individual levels.

Our species wasn't meant to worry every single second of every single day about payin' taxes and not losing our jobs, and paying rent, and all that shit. We've all got this collective anxiety disorder that's wearin' us down until we all do nothing but stay glued to our phones all day long, to escape from reality.

And, why do we want to escape from reality? Because we're scared all the time. If we fuck up, the powers that be will send us to jail, or we'll end up homeless, or something. That's not how we're supposed to live as a species. And all these dumb rules that we have to live by are totally arbitrary - being enforced by the powers-that-be, who don't have our best interests at heart. They only have their best interests at heart.

And, I wonder, I'll always wonder...what was it like for my once-indigenous-ancestors? I'm guessing it must've been hard in lots of respects, but a damn sight better than being worried all the time and having to be medicated with weed, or antidepressants, or anxiolytics, cuz we all have anxiety and depression in spades (or, at least, most of us do). We're all mental-disordered because we're a thousand miles from where we're supposed to be. 

Well, anyway, I'm ranting. I dunno what the solution is, but something has to be better than this horrid mess we find ourselves in at many levels. There has to be a better way. I mean, I know we can't go back to how our ancestors had it back in the day, back when we lived the way our species is naturally supposed to live. I know we can't do that. But there has to be something better. There has to be.

The lyrics are:

This is unnatural
Life is unnatural

And it's bullshit
It's bullshit

It's chapping my ass, this regimented lifestyle
Shoved into a classroom, then we work until we die

That's bullshit
That's bullshit

We're stuck in a box, Of stupid rules that suck
We are all just cogs, And the gods of conformity say we're fucked

This is unnatural
Life is unnatural

Life as we know it is nothing but bullshit
Laboring under arbitrary rules, it
Is where the corporate money powers want us
We're bleeding out, until we turn into rust
Scared every minute of every single day,
Of the powers that be, who steal our life away
This is not how us humans are supposed to live
With our souls leaking out, like sand through a sieve

That's bullshit
That's bullshit

That's bullshit. That's bullshit. That's bullshit. That's bullshit

This is unnatural
Life is unnatural

Here's the alternative player thingy, in case the one up top doesn't work when you try to play it on your portable electronic device, laptop, or desktop computer:

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