Friday, March 26, 2021

I Wish I Could Take It Back


I Wish I Could Take It Back

This is the next song in the possession album; the girl is telling Timmy, Bobby, and Father O'Malley about the past life she talks about in the previous song, the one where she had some witchy ways about her. Father O'Malley gets a bit freaked out because he sees what might be coming in her narrative. It's a thing that reminds him of some darker times in the Catholic church's past.

As a side-note: Oh fuck. I found out there's a real-life famous-person named Father O'Malley. That bummed me out. But I figured all along that there'd be other people named Father O'Malley in real life; I just didn't realize there was a famous one. For clarity's sake, this Father O'Malley is a completely different guy than that famous-dude.

The lyrics are:

I'm the unconventional priest
And my colleagues say that I should cease
With apologizing for the past
And the down-home way that I do Mass
When she speaks, I might cry cuz I know just how she died
I am freaked, but I'll try to show her I'm on her side
I'm a priest and a man who's a tad unorthodox
Singing feasts in the land with some bears and purple rocks

I know what she is about to say
And I wish that it would go away
It is something my church used to do
It's a dream I wish had not come true

When she speaks, I might cry cuz I know just how she died
I am freaked, but I'll try to show her I'm on her side
I'm a priest and a man who's a tad unorthodox
Singing feasts in the land with some bears and purple rocks

I wish I could take it back, I wish I could take it back

I am a father; my name is O'Malley
Of a good church, but sometimes it had maladies
What I mean by that is it used to do things
Yes they were mighty bad, and it makes my heart sting
When the girl was speaking of being so witchy
My eyes started leaking cuz my church was bitchy
To people who are different and my feelings sting
Yes, I started crying, I cannot deny this thing

I am a preacher-man, but I think I am damned
I don't know just how to live
(I wish I could take it back)

When she speaks, I might cry cuz I know just how she died
I am freaked, but I'll try to show her I'm on her side
I'm a priest and a man who's a tad unorthodox
Singing feasts in the land with some bears and purple rocks

Here's the alternative player-thingy, in case the one at the top is incompatible or otherwise malfunctions when you attempt to play it on your portable electronic device, laptop, or desktop computer:

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