Saturday, June 13, 2020

Loved Animals: Extendo Version

This is the same song as yesterday, but there's more stuff at the end. See, I originally re-stated the entire rap at the end of the song, but when I mixed it down yesterday, I decided to lop most of it off. Then I decided to mix the whole thing down today cuz the extendo-version might float some people's boats. I was in the mood for an extendo-version today, so it's floating my boat currently.

As I mentioned yesterday, it's a song about how things changed when humans became not like other animals after the Garden of Eden. In retrospect, I'm also realizing it's a song about the nature of trauma. When a person has a major trauma, often his/her life before the trauma feels like a time of innocence. But, now that the trauma has happened, the rest of his/her life is a time of horrible, awful badness.

Post-Script: I realized last night "loved animals" can mean animals who are loved. Man, I'm slow on the uptake. When you get songs from dreams, sometimes you don't know what they're about. I was all, why does it say, "loved animals?" Shouldn't it be, "I loved animals," or "they loved animals?" I felt like it was a sentence with a missing subject. But then I heard it different last night and was all, oh, okay. It make me think of my kitties because they're loved animals (even though they're now non-corporeal). It has a different emotional charge, this song does, when you think of the chorus as referring to animals who are loved. Maybe all the stuff about Eden pertains to us bein' loved animals before we got stupid. Or maybe it implies that we're loved animals even though we're now stupid. And I think it also talks about regular animals as bein' loved, and wouldn't it be cool if we were like them?

Here's another player thingy cuz my original way o' posting it doesn't work on some o' my browsers (and other people might run into the same type o' technical difficulties as me).

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