Saturday, April 11, 2020

I Feel Stupid/And They Pray to Get Me Back Into Heaven

Okay, wow, I'm gonna post another non-school-related song just for kicks. This one requires a bit o' 'splainin'.

See, Timmy and Bobby are these guys who showed up in a song in 2004, when I smoked a bunch of pot and was making up songs all by myself. Good old Timmy and Bobby showed up, and over the years, I've recorded lots of songs with Timmy and Bobby in them.

Yeah, Timmy and Bobby are good buddies of mine, they are. They're friends o' mine, who live in the spirit world, and all that. (Or at least, that's my take on things). Then, one day, they decided to show me what they look like, and as a result, they became characters in the graphic novels I work on.

In this song, Timmy and Bobby are attempting to pray me into Heaven, in the sense that the health issues I've been dealing with have made me go to Hell in real life. They're tryin' to get me back into Heaven, which is just plain synonymous with getting back to normal. Y'know, getting back to a regular life.

The picture, above, is an excerpt from a comic book I'm working on, where I'm one of the characters (on the right), and Jesus and Chief Running Dog are accompanying on my journey through Hell. And, like, we're reminiscing about Timmy and Bobby and how much we miss them.

And, since this weekend has Easter Sunday in it, I decided to make the song have some Easter-themed stuff in it, too.

It's one o' those songs where I cain't decide whether to rap fast or slow cuz the beat is one of those tempos where I end up rapping either really slow or really fast. So, you might wanna take a look at the lyrics cuz I sorta trip over my tongue during the fast-rapping parts. Heh.

The lyrics are:
Timmy and Bobby say it's best
In the land of God, we pray with zest
They say that Heaven is not far
They pray to get there in their car
We know that Sunday is coming real soon
See, though, the fun day is stunning the moon
Easter is feaster, and better than best
We stir the beaster and get there with zest

Their song is tied up with nothing but sense

I feel stupid

And they pray to get me back into Heaven

I feel stupid

Timmy and Bobby say they are my friends
On a whim, we stop and pray Heaven will be sent

I feel stupid

And they pray to get me back into Heaven

I feel stupid

Timmy and Bobby say Heaven is fine
Gimme the bread, hey, unleavened and wine
Jesus is waiting to see we are here
Chester, Fred Rogers, and now we have beer

And they pray to get me back into Heaven

I feel stupid

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