Thursday, February 22, 2018

Palindrome Songs

This is what I did last week. See, when my internet was down, I had to run around looking for WiFi connections, and deal with the ATandT guy, etcetera, so I only had time to record short little ditties I didn't care all that much about. These are songs where if you play them backwards, they're the same as if you play them forwards. (I included versions of them that I turned around using music software so you can verify the veracity of that statement).

The 2nd pair of ditties has poop in it; I figured it would be appropriate to post a song with poop in it because last week's song had pee in it.

The first song is composed of a bunch of restatements of themes from the Corky album. Yesiree.

See, in 2002, I recorded a whole album of palindrome songs, y'know, like these ones, where if you play 'em backwards they sound the same as when you play them forwards. I thought they sounded boring. I kind of think these songs might be boring, too. Maybe a totally symmetrical song is all boring to the brain because - well, I don't know why, really.

The lyrics of the second set of songs are "Oh, no, poop, Earth, um, Mother, poop, oh no. Did Lloyd poop? Earth, um, mother poop, you'll did." And for some reason, "my" backwards is "meow."

Friday, February 16, 2018

Hey, D'ya Wanna See Me Piss My Pants?

I'm gonna publish this real fast because I'm at a coffee house (the internet is down in my apartment) and the wifi keeps going in and out.


Okay, now that I have a draft published, I can take my time to write the write up for this thingy. 

So, in this song, Corky is in the spirit world, trying to communicate with Mogie. Mogie, he's being interviewed by this reporter and, as a result, is gonna be on the local news that night. Corky tries to get his message to Mogie (that he's alright in the spirit world) in the hopes that Mogie'll blurt it out to the reporter. That's cuz Corky's mom watches the local news every night, so if Mogie did that, she'd get the message that Corky was alright in the spirit world.

I actually got this song from a dream. I fell asleep and went into a lucid dream. As I was tooling around my dream-bedroom, this song came to me. I said, "FUCK, I gotta wake myself up and write down this song." So, I did. That's how this song came about.

The rap part might be a little difficult to understand because it's sort of low in the mix. The lyrics are:

"Mogie's gonna be on the TV news that my mother watches every night - there's nothing to lose.
Maybe he can tell her that I am doing fine, that she'll see me up in Heaven when it comes her time."

I'm realizing, more and more, that this here album is, more than anything, about Corky's relationship to Verdell and Mogie in the afterlife. It was initially created to explain shit between the songs in "Corky Red Tail's Adventures In The Spirit World," and it kind of does do that. But, as time goes by, I'm starting to view it more than anything else as fleshin' stuff out that happens in the spirit world.

Oh, crikey! It's Sunday now, and I'm realizing I never posted the weird version of this song. Y'know, I mean, I never published last week's song if you turn it around backwards. Here it is.

I was so weirded out because I didn't have internet access at my place, that I forgot all about posting it. But the ATandT guy came and now I have internet again. That's a good thing.

For anyone new to this blog, the album I'm discussing is based on the movie, Skins. (Spoiler Alert)... It follows this character, Corky Red Tail, into the afterlife cuz he gets murdered in the beginning of the movie. Then he's joined by Mogie and Verdell, who both die of alcoholism in one way or another. The three of them work together to try to get a message to Corky's mom that he's okay in the afterlife. The most likeliest candidate to do that is Rudy, Mogie's brother, because all three of them knew Rudy when they were alive, so they're all connected to him in one way or another.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Backwards Piss

Here's the next backwards song on the "Space Between Songs" album. The title sorta gives away the fact that the forwards version, which I'll post next week, is about piss.

I was too lazy to draw an illustration for this here song, but this picture almost sort of kind of has something to do with the song. I mean, if you were standing below these guys, you probably wouldn't want them to pee on you.

When you listen to this song, you'll get the opportunity to hear me rapping backwards. Backwards rap. That's some fancy stuff there.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Backwards Version of High Tonight (The First Song of "The Space Between Songs")

This is the first of the posts of the new album. (There's an even newer one that I'm working on right now, but it might suck).

See, okay, this new album is the songs that are supposed to go between the songs of the album I posted last week. As I was working on it, I realized it needed explainy stuff between the songs that were on there. Y'know how operas and stuff have songs that go between the arias that explain shit? Usually those songs suck. I tried to challenge myself to do those same types of songs but not make them suck.

I dunno if it ended up being problematic, though, because some of these songs ended up sounding kinda aria-ish. I mean, I dunno if it's a good idea to have so many emotional climaxes in a row and not have plain stuff in between, even if plain stuff tends to suck. And then, ontop of that, I still need to put the 2 albums together and see if the plot needs further explaining, or if it stands alone without the need for lots of liner notes. We'll see. In any event. this new album's called "The Space Between Songs." Actually, I think that might be the title of a Dead Milkmen song, but I'm not sure.

Here's the backwards version of the first song on the new album (that song's called "High Tonight.") You actually heard the frontwards version if you tuned in on October 6, 2017, because I was all impulsive and posted it. I put "High Tonight" at the bottom this post so you don't have to scroll backwards in this blog in order to hear it.

Fuck, this was challenging to record because the lyrics are so fast. See, I was attempting to rap when I recorded "High Tonight," but I ultimately ended up just singing this song in a monotone, because I thought my spoken word voice sounded like shit. If you stay tuned for the rest o' the album, you'll get to see how my white-girl-attempts at rapping evolve over time. (You can be the judge of whether it sucks or not).

Here's the song above, if you turn it around. I got closer to the original song than I thought I would, given the challenging nature of it. I mean, I wish I'd gotten closer, but just the fact that it bears a passing resemblance to the original one was a relief to me.

And, finally, here's the original song. It's from the point of view of Corky, as he's going to meet his friends at this abandoned house, so they can all smoke pot together. Unfortunately, they're not there, and instead, there're these mean guys there, who ultimately end up killing Corky. (See "I Am Dead" in last week's entry if you wanna hear the song that's the aftermath of him getting killed).

For anyone new to this blog, the album I'm discussing is based on the movie, Skins. (Spoiler Alert)... It follows this character, Corky Red Tail, into the afterlife cuz he gets murdered in the beginning of the movie. Then he's joined by Mogie and Verdell, who both die of alcoholism in one way or another. The three of them work together to try to get a message to Corky's mom that he's okay in the afterlife. The most likeliest candidate to do that is Rudy, Mogie's brother, because all three of them knew Rudy when they were alive, so they're all connected to him in one way or another.