Friday, February 2, 2024

Loosey Goosey Lucifer - Polished Version

Loosey Goosey Lucifer Polished

 Here's that song I recorded about a week and a half ago on my birthday. This is the polished version where I reworked some o' the lyrics and stuff and added a rap and a bridge to it. Yes siree. Just to recap, it's a song that's sort of about the irony of people associating the name, "Lucifer," with the devil, when said name means something to the effect of "light bringer." In this song, Lucifer is female, rides on the back of a giant fly, and spreads light to this world that is in desperate need of light. As mentioned earlier, this little cat, who's name is Luci is just 3 letters short of being, "Lucifer," (as in Luci + fer = Lucifer).

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