Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Adventures of Jesus and Chief Running Dog, Volume 4: The Shadow-Lands

This is my newest graphic novel. It's about these guys, who wake up and they're old!!! How did that happen? If you're into Carl Jung, this might be an enjoyable read because it's about the shadow complex.

Actually, the guys sitting on the couch in this week's song entry are the same guys that are on the cover of the book.

This is the 5th book in a series of comic books called Sunday Depresso. In these books, you only see Jesus and Chief Running Dog on Sundays, being depressed about it being Sunday. When I worked on these books, I only worked on them on Sundays so I could be in the same state o' mind as the characters. There're 5 Sunday Depresso books out there, in total, and I think all of them have something to offer. I like this one really well cuz I got better at drawering pictures by this point.

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