Sunday, March 29, 2020

Passion Plague

I watched a documentary on YouTube recently called "Wireless Warfare," and the woman on it talks about how the cell phone towers and the routers in our houses and our cell phones and other wireless devices are emitting these wave-thingies that are ruining all our health. Then at the end she predicts a pandemic (but I was either not paying attention, or she didn't specify how all this leads up to a pandemic).

But, anyway, I decided to write a song about the ongoing pandemic from the the perspective of a made-up conspiracy theory of mine. The aliens who want to have humans not be on this planet anymore - so they can have it for themselves - have influenced the governmental powers and tech companies to put these things in our houses that make us vulnerable to getting sick. See, they make us sick in a special way - they make it so a common cold can kill us, even though it's just a common cold.

Don't ask me the mechanics of how that would work. I'm just the messenger, here. So, in any event, this song is about how stuff in our own houses is killing us and making us vulnerable to colds killing us, so there'll be no more humans anymore and aliens can have the planet for themselves.

On a side-note, this isolation is killing me, man. I want so bad to be near the people I love, and I can't get to even within a stones throw of them because I might be a plague carrier. If the fucking virus doesn't kill us, the fucking social isolation, itself, will kill us all! I mean, we're social primates. The only thing that makes us strong is our togetherness. And we don't have that anymore.

Well, we do have it, via the internet. But if this song is correct, we're killing us even faster with our internet meetings, exposing us to oodles and oodles of those microwaves or whatever are are coming off our wireless devices and killing us.

It’s a matter of time
Is this what he was feeling inside?
He feels like shit and piss,
and it makes him want to die.
It’s a matter of time
Is this what he was doing in there?
He fees likie nothing’s good
And he don’t know longer care
It’s a matter of time
Is this the way to get home?
I got lost and I could not find my phone
If my feelings are correct
I’ve been stealing what I should collect
It’s a matter of time

This is it, it is the last day
Shit, we sit in the passion play
Aliens have come to get rid
Of the human dream, old and kids
Now we’re dying of ‘lectric wires
Passion plays with us starting fires
This is it, it is the last day
Shit, we sit in the passion play
Aliens have come to get rid
Of the human scum, old and kids
Now we are dying of ‘lectric wires
Passion plays with us, starting fires
A common cold can now push us in our graves
Aliens have come with a passion plague
It is coming now through our wires
The human race will frown, now it is retired.

Is this the way to get home
I got lost and I could not find my phone
Where’s my family? I’m alone
Scared, lost, and sad: Guess I will get stoned

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