Friday, January 25, 2019

Morning Comes to Town, Mourning Comes to Town

Here's the next song in the series of songs about a fucked up school (see the thingy at the bottom if you're new to this here blog or don't know what I'm talking about). This is a song with a play on words, where it could be about morning, or it could be about mourning. I mean, it's actually about both - they're all interchangeable. In this song, the fucked up school is fucking up kids in such a way that they grieve for the lives they could have had if they had not gone to that fucked up school. It also has to do, in general, with how kids lose their innocence when they end up in the school system.

It's about other stuff, too, stuff that's kickin' around in my brain about my own life. Listening to it, I realize it relates to the dumb public school system I went to, as well as some o' the poopy experiences that came outta bein' in the Dartmouth Psychological and Brain Sciences department. It's weird how my unconscious mind merged it all together; but, then again, Carl Jung says that the unconscious doesn't have the same sense of time that the conscious mind has. The unconscious is in all time periods at once (or, at least I think that's what he said).

The picture's my attempt to draw little kids, y'know, little kids sitting at their desks. The girl is sad and mourning for the life she coulda had, had she not gone to that fucked up school. The boy is staring into space, the way the song implies.

Weird morning comes to town
This is last week's song if you turn it around backwards.

Here are the lyrics:

And I’m here/ with pretentious teachers, scary mean bad creatures
And I’m here/ In the fucked up school where we all have a blank stare

Morning comes to town, Mourning comes to town
It was my last chance chance chance chance chance chance chance chance chance chance chance chance
I forgot how to dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance

It’s the obligatory rap of the song
As a matter of fact the story is wrong
The school that was supposed to be hoity toity cool
Made the students dumb…turned them into tools
Wish that they could live their lives all over again
Now they’re spending time thinking ‘bout what could have been
Would their lives have been nifty and cool
If they had not gone to that stupid dumb school

And I’m here / smoking pot in the toilet with my friends who like it

Morning comes to town, Mourning comes to town
It was my last chance chance chance chance chance chance chance chance chance chance chance chance

I forgot how to dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance

One day, I started writing a song about a fucked up school. Then, a few days later, that lawsuit came out, involving those pervy professors in the Dartmouth Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. I was all, oh, my stars!!! That's where I got my Ph.D.! Then I finished writing the song about a week later. I thought it was just a song about how the school system fucks up kids, but after I finished writing and recording it, I realized parts of it were about my experiences in that poopy psych department (the unconscious mind works in mysterious ways). In any event, I decided to write an album about a fucked up school in order to process my experiences of having been in that department and how the culture there impacted me. This album ain't necessarily about Dartmouth, per se. It's more of a weird, inner exploration where I'm, like, having a fucked up dialogue with my unconscious about my experiences at Dartmouth. Jung used to call that kind of stuff "active imagination." 

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