Sunday, September 29, 2024

I'm Watching Kitty Cats Video


Here's my wee little experiment with combining live video with animation. Below is a recording of the song in stereo, in case you want to hear it in stereo (unfortunately, the animation software only makes mono versions of sound stuff). 

I'm Watching Kitty Cats


Friday, September 27, 2024

Maybe I'm The Devil

Maybe I'm The Devil

 Sometimes I wonder if, even though my ego tells me I'm a relatively decent person, I'm really quite bad underneath. Maybe stuff I'm doing these days that is socially acceptable by today's standards, but it is actually nefarious by a more objective standard. Y'know, like, maybe someday in the far, far distant future, whatever race of beings is alive on this planet will look back at us and say, "Those humans were evil." I mean, back in the day, people thought slavery was okay. Maybe there's stuff we're doing right now that's just as bad as slavery, but we all think it's fine cuz we're blinded by social norms and stuff.

Maybe, despite thinking I'm good, I'm actually quite evil. Maybe I'm the devil and I don't know it!

The picture is the illustration for a song I did a long time ago, but it fits with this one. Yes.

Note: I'm using a tritone in the verse-parts of the song - that was intentional. This little chord thingy I'm using is known as the Devil's Triad. Yay!

The Break Up Call

Break Up CAll

Break Up Call Mix 2

 Here's the momentous event, the break up call (the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4). It's the break up call! The BREAK UP CALL! My office mate was privy to the whole thing. True story.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Friday, September 20, 2024

There's Not Even a Point to Having a Point

Theres Not Even a Point to Having a Point

 Here's another existential number for you all. It's, yes, another existential little ditty, questioning the nature of existence and all that jazz.

Dialing My Boyfriend For The Last Time

Dialing My Boyfriend for the Last Time Mix 2

 This is a song about the beginning of a break up call (the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4).

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Why Did The Angel Leave?

Why Did The Angel Leave

 The more I slog through this life, the more I realize there's nothing protecting any of us. If there are guardian angels, they seem to be out to lunch somewhere when we most need them. Rather than the universe being a big, unified, loving whole, governed by a compassionate force, I've come to the conclusion that the universe is a dumb place of chaos and random shit. Nobody is safe, man. Not the righteous, and not the shit-heads. We're all at the precipice of horrible awfulness and Hell all the time, and some of us are already there, already in the place of horrible awfulness and Hell.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Into School


Into School With Intro Mix 4

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4; the main character decides to drive to school to do the break-up phone call with her boyfriend, so she won't end up associating her living room with the traumatic memory of a break-up call. She discovers that her office-mate is there, in the room where she's gonna do the break-up call!


Thank God Yesterday's Over Demo

Whoops, I didn't mean to post this - I was saving it for a rainy day. Oh, well, I guess that rainy day has come.

 This may not be a very good song, but it's probly something people can relate to.

Thank God Yesterdays Over Demo


Here's another demo. This here post is a dumping-ground for poorly done demos.

Purple SUV demo

Here's, yet, another demo, of a song that's part of a bigger project 

Motor Home Demo


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Linkin Park Song From Last Night Re-did, A Little Bit

Linkin Park Has A New Singer Part 2 Version 3

 Here's that song I did yesterday, where I realized the chorus-y part was a plagiarism of one of my other songs. I re-did the chorus, tryin' to aspire for a mood that was better with the rest of the song. Then I added another part at the end. I dunno if that other part at the end is needed, but there it is. Yeah, I'm a little ambivalent about that new part.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Linkin Park Has A New Singer - Part 2

Linkin Park Has A New Singer Part 2

 This is the 2nd song I did today about Linkin Park having a new singer. When I watched them all performing online yesterday, I was uber-impressed with how they sounded. Yay, excitement! Then I cried because I'll always miss Chester, and I'm sad about Rob leavin' the band (but respect his decision).

Oh, crikey. I realized I plagiarized one of my own songs in this one part. But I haven't posted that other song yet, cuz I don't have a version of it that I'm satisfied with. Alas. I guess if I ever do have a satisfactory version of that one song, I can go back and change the part that sounds like it in this song.

Linkin Park Has a New Singer - Part 1

Linkin Park Has a New Singer Part 1

 I did a couple songs today about Linkin Park having a new singer. I'm happy and excited that they're doing new music and stuff; and she's really good, too! Yay! But there's a sadness and a poignancy to the whole thing, since I'm gonna miss Chester and Rob (the drummer, who decided to leave the band).

My Mom Said You Don't Have To Wait

My Mom Said You Don't Have To Wait

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4; the girl and her horrible boyfriend have a fight, and at the end, he sez they should wait 4 days before they talk next, I guess to cool down or whatever. Upon hanging up, she realizes she's ready to break up with him, but is all bummed out about having to wait 4 days to do it.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Left Eyelid/Make It Stop

Left Eyelid

 My left eyelid has been twitching for a week now. FUCK!!!!!! Make it stop!!!!!!! (See music video below).

Monday, September 2, 2024

Crumbling Walls (Cont'd)

 Crumbling Walls Mix 2

 Here's another version of a song that I've been trying to improve about the end of the world. I made this version a wee bit repetitious. I'm not sure if I'm happy with it or not. Bleh.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Breadcrumbs Song Intro


Breadcrumbs Introduction

 This is either an intro to a song or a rough draft of said song. We'll see how I feel later on. My voice is poopy raspy-ness today, but usually the first performance is the best of any song. I dunno why that is. Anyway, it's a rough idea I got down for a potential song that might evolve into something.

Breadcrumbs Rough Draft

Here's a rough draft (above this writing). I still wanna do a better version of it, but at least you know what I want it to sound like, roughly.