Sunday, August 1, 2021

Linkin Park with a Side of Air Conditioner

Linkin Park With a Side of Air Conditioner

 I was playing around with my guitar, and this weird little arpeggiated chord came out. It sounded like it might be the same as something in a Linkin Park song, but I don't remember what song it might be. Or it might not be in any Linkin Park song, for that matter. In any event, this teeny tiny, short li'l song employs the chord thingy and raises the question of whether it's Linkin Park I'm plagiarizing or not. It also features my air conditioner, which was running at the time.

Edit: I’m posting this earlier than I’d planned cuz it looks like there’s an urgent situation that’s come up - look at the thingy at the bottom...take a look...

Yup, another round of good people, protecting their water being brutalized for doing so. This country ain’t the shining paradise I used to think it was when I was a wee, young lass, long, longgggg ago. That illusion is long gone for me. Ask anyone who’s indigenous. They’ll tell it like it is. 

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