Friday, July 30, 2021

Back to the Shelter


Back to the Shelter Third Mix

The third mix is crappy, but you can listen to it if you want - the fourth mix is better, and it's the mix that's on the player at the bottom.

Back to the Shelter Fourth Mix


This is the song where the fire god talks to the girl/me-character about how he'll miss her when he goes back to the sun. He compares himself to a foster animal who has to go back to the animal shelter.

The lyrics are:

I have to go back to the shelter
Leaving you is not very fun
To a place so hot, that you'd swelter
I am going back to the sun

I am the fire god, and I'll miss you every day
When I go to the sun for my forever stay

I am like an animal foster
Leaving my temporary home
It makes me feel like I am not sure
If it's to the sun I should roam

I am the fire god, and I'll miss you every day
When I go to the sun for my forever stay

I will miss you, but the truth is that
Going back to the shelter like a cat
Is what I'm s'posed to do; it's meant to be
It is the blessed truth: That's where I'm free
But I want to stay here, but I know that I have to go
To the sun, but I fear that they are gonna all say no
When I say, “Are we good?” they might say I am a bad seed
With a judgy attitude, they will hate me for all my deeds

I am scared that my friends will judge me
When I get back up to the sun
I know they're not usually judgy
But I'm scared because of all that I've done

I am the fire god, and I'll miss you every day
When I go to the sun for my forever stay

Here's the alternative player thingy in case the other one doesn't work:

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