Saturday, December 12, 2020

Whiskey in My Eggnog



 This is a Christmas song...I was in the mood to do a Christmas song, which is odd, because I don't feel particularly Christmas-y yet. Maybe I will in a day or 2. In any event, this is a song about a person who wants to put brandy in her eggnog, but upon realizing she forgot to pick up any brandy at Von's (a southern California supermarket, in case you're not familiar with it) decides to put whiskey in it. 

I borrowed my kitties' toys to make the jingle bell sound. Kitty toys make good jingly bell sounds. One of my cats tried to attack me because I was shaking her toys in the microphone. She was all, "This is my toy!!!! MY TOY!!!!!!!!"

I was trying to go for a bluegrassy sound because country music lends itself favorably to Christmas songs (well, in my book, they do)...but it might sound more like German Oom-Pah-Pah music than anything else.

Post-script: whoops I shoulda said “whiskey’s in the game” and not “on the game.” Must’ve been covid-lockdown-brain making me loopy-poopy. If I ever re-record this little ditty, I’ll make that correction.

The lyrics are:

I got whiskey in my eggnog
I got whiskey in my eggnog

I forgot to get the brandy at the Von's

I got whiskey in my eggnog

It tastes shitty, but it does the job
I got whiskey in my eggnog

I feel no pain, cuz whiskey's on the game

I got whiskey in my eggnog

I wish I had...some brandy, but
I'll make due with some whiskey cuz it's handy, but
Next Christmas, I'll...get pissed and I'll
Make sure that brandy's on my Christmas list to buy

I want a Christmas tree; I want a Christmas tree

I got whiskey in my eggnog; I got whiskey in my eggnog

Here's the usual alternative player thingy, in case the one up top doesn't work on your portable electronic device:

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