Thursday, December 17, 2020

2000 Year Lullaby



 This song's a re-working of  a song I did back in 1997. I always liked the hook of it, and all, y'know, so I decided to re-work it, usin' the same hook, but other stuff around it. Maybe if I get the wherewithall, I'll attempt to post the original one, so you can see what the 2 of them sound like. Yeah, I might do that. It's a song about how we get lost in all the stress of buying gifts for people who have so much stuff they don't need any gifts, and lose sight of what Christmas was originally about. 

I've got a picture of Jesus drinking beer, there. He's one of the characters in my graphic novels, and that's what he looks like in them. Y'know, he's contemporary guy, living in contemporary times, and he drinks beer.

The lyrics are:

What is the point of this old holiday?
where you have to buy presents for people that don't need anything?
It feels real stupid but, then I remember
There's a song that haunts me and wants me to sing

Two thousand year lullaby, playing to the moonlit desert sky
Three very tall men sporting aftershave .. come to
See a baby who has souls to save

Two thousand year lullaby, playing to the moonlit desert sky
The night was born into a better day
With light that formed a beacon on the way

I want to remember who this day is about
it is for December's Jewish baby with clout
Well, I mean, Jesus was not quite born on this day
But I don't see just why not light a tree, anyway

And now I remember why

Two thousand year lullaby

Here's the alternative player thingy, as usual, in case the one, up top, doesn't work on your portable electronic device:

Download 12 2000 year lullaby

 Okay, I dug up the original version of this song that I did back in 1997...I was messing around with my brother's trumpet. And that's a real banjo there. I wanted to sound like Talking Heads way back then.

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