Friday, December 27, 2024

Cuz I'm Sorta Think Of

Cuz i'm sorta thinking of

 This one might be boring. I'm working on an animated movie thingy, and I realized some of the talking formed a melody, so I made a song outta it.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Hell Movie, Part 1

This is the first part of a movie I'm making, called Hell. It's based on some comic books I did back in 2020. I'm not sure how long it'll be.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Somebody Spoke Up in the Sky

Somebody Spoke Up In The Sky

The Mix 2222 one is better.

Somebody Spoke Up In The Sky Mix 2222

Mix 3333 is the even better one.

Somebody spoke up in the sky mix 3333

This is another Christmas Song; it's about that big star that was in the sky that the Wise Men followed and all that, so they could bring presents to Baby Jesus. The dream I got it from was like, hey, that big, bright star was someone's way of sayin', "take a look over here!" It was sky-sign-language of sorts.

The one below is the souped-up one.

Friday, December 20, 2024

All I Want for Christmas Is To Be Alive Next Year


2024 Christmas Song

 I have a bad feeling about 2025. Sometimes my premonitions are right, and sometimes they're wrong. I hope this one is wrong.

I'm Drinking Beer for Christmas

I'm Drinking Beer for Christmas

 This is a song about not feeling very Christmas-y. In cases like this, it's always a good idea to drink beer.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Don't Worry - The Government Guy Says It's Fine!!!

 Are you wondering about all those mystery drones flying over New Jersey, and now other states? Don't worry about it! It's fine!!!!! The Government Guy says it's fine!!!!!!

Friday, December 13, 2024

The Girl Who Said Too Much

The Girl Who Said Too Much

 This is the next song in the Loosey Goosey Lucifer album, Part 2. Loosey Goosey Lucifer, the Goddess of Light, who rides a magic, singing fly, is reflecting on a past life as a human, where she was burned at the stake for speaking out against the bad politicians in whatever land she lived in at the time. She now fears for her friends because Murpt reminds her of the bad politicians from that past life.

The Land of Booze

 This is a song about the Land of Booze.

Friday, December 6, 2024

I Am Just a Citizen From the Land of Flies

I Am Just a Citizen From the Land of Flies

 This is the next song in the Loosey Goosey Lucifer album; it is sung from the point of view of the fly. Sorry this is such a crap mix.

Oh yeah, I pirated the song I did about a week ago about going to the Land of Booze. I realized, in retrospect, that the melody and churchy-ness would make for a good Loosey Goosey Lucifer song.

Depressing banjo music

 I attempted to do the most depressing banjo song in the world.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

I Am Loosey Goosey Lucifer Part 2

I Am Loosey Goosey Lucifer Part 2

 This is the next song in the second Loosey Goosey Lucifer album. Stay tuned for more!

It's sort of a rough mix. Sorry 'bout that.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Purple Medicine Adventures


Purple Medicine Adventures Demo

 I dunno if this is a demo or the final thingy, but it's a song about purple medicine. Purple medicine is what a lot of people need.

Gotta Get Away From Them


Gotta Get Away From Them

 This little ditty is the song that's gonna accompany this scene in this weird little animated movie I'm making. The scene pictures people running away. The picture is of the people who are running away.

I went in and added some stuff to the song this morning - the beefed up version is below  - I found that I was getting a little bored, listening to the song, so I added some stuff to it.

Gotta Get Away From Them Beefed Up


Saturday, November 16, 2024

It Can Happen

It Can Happen

It can happen shorter

 Don't say I didn't warn ya. But I hope I'm wrong. 

I made a shortened version just now (the second little hyperlink up there) cuz I felt like it took too long to get to the good stuff.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Her Light Looks Brighter in the Dark of the Night


Her Light Looks Brighter

Her Light Looks Brighter With Intro

 Loosey Goosey Lucifer, the Goddess of Light, who rides a magic, singing fly came knocking on my door. This is the second song in the next LGL album. I don't know at what pace I'll do this album - I'll have to see how quickly the songs want to come to me. The last Loosey Goosey Lucifer album came to me at lightning speed. I have a feeling this one might be slower. Like a slow, steady simmer, instead of an intense boil.

Anyway, her friends, the people who belong to this hippie-church, they see her looking sad, and yet shining brighter than usual, at the same time. A car's headlights look bright at night, but not so bright in the daylight. Are we heading into darkness? Is she the headlight that seems brighter all of a sudden cuz the rest of the world is dark? Stay tuned.

The second hyperlink thingy is a version with the intro that I recorded a while back. With a fly in it.

Uniform Foxtrot Oscar (UFO)


Uniform Foxtrot Oscar

Uniform Foxtrot Oscar Mix 4

 This is a song about having possibly been visited by a UFO. It's not very good.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

I'm Not Feeling Very Musical

I'm Not Feeling Very Musical

I'm Not Feeling Very Musical Beefed Up 2

 I think a lot of people have no idea what horrific shit lies ahead of us. So this song's sort of like a prayer; a prayer to God to mitigate all the horrific shit that lies ahead of us. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it won't be so horrific. I hope I'm wrong, and it won't be horrific. But I think it's going to be horrific.  

Beefed up version below:

Bright Intro

Bright intro

 The idea for the next song came to me, so I made a wee li'l rough draft, which I'll follow up with next week, with a more fleshed out version and all that. This and the song from yesterday might be the beginning of a new album. Maybe, maybe. Maybe so.

Friday, November 8, 2024

The Song I posted last week, but a different version


Mean boyfriend 2024 version 2

The top one has the better rap in it. The bottom one has the poopfart rap in it.

Mean Boyfriend 2024

Well, okay, I thought last week's song was the last song of the Fucked Up Relationship Album, but I wasn't all the way happy with how it turned out, so I took another stab at it. Who knows? Maybe next week, I'll realize I wasn't happy with this version and will take, yet, another stab at it. Pretty soon, there will be millions of versions of this song. Bleh.

Oh yeah, this song has a bit of egregious self-promotion in it - here's a picture of the thing I'm egregiously self-promoting.

Crappy Rap Version Below


The Land of Crying Ghosts

Crying Ghosts

 Yesterday, I got up, and I checked in with myself about what emotions I was feeling. I felt a Great Sadness that was all around me. The sadness wasn't just my sadness - the sadness was coming from the land. The sadness was coming from spirits. The sadness was coming from people. The sadness was everywhere. I was in the Land of Crying Ghosts, so that's what this song is about. Will this nation survive? I have my doubts.

Oh yeah, I call on Loosey Goosey Lucifer to come save us. If you're not familiar with her, she's a character from an album I did earlier this year. She's the Goddess of Light, who rides a magic, singing fly.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Stoners in the Desert (Version 1)

Stoners in the Desert Version 1

 I was working on an animated movie I'm making, and there's this one part where the characters come across as being stoners in the desert. That inspired this song. It's about stoners in the desert.

Anyway, my voice is all jacked up today, so I'm hoping to re-record this little ditty soon-ish.

The Way It Was

The Way It Was

 Damn, I've come to the end of the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4 (and the Fucked Up Relationship Album, in general). Wow, man, wow. I started The Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 1 in September or October of 2022. It's weird to be comin' to the end of something that's been a part o' my life for such a long time. Man, man, man. Anyway, this is actually a reprise of a song I did in 2021, but with some modifications; I figured it'd be a good ending for this album. Dang, dang, dang, it's so hard to say goodbye to working on something like this, but I guess I gotta wrap it up and all that. It was fun. At least the listener knows I didn't go back to him, yet again, cuz all the relationship fucked upness ends here. That's a fine thing.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

After the Tornado Is Gone

After The Tornado Is Gone

 Here's another one of those drunk church songs. This is from when they survived that tornado. 

It's a Heavenly hymn, with a touch of survivors' guilt.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Fucked Up Relationship Album Reprise

Fucked Up Relationship Album Reprise

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Relationship Album, Part 4. It's a reprise of the very first song on Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 1. Yup, I'm wrapping this up. Geez, man, I wonder what I'll do next.

Friday, October 18, 2024

The Next Song

Next Song

 I was all woohoo happy with last week's song, and then this week rolled around, and I felt a wee bit of dread in the pit of my stomach. I realized: Chances are the next song won't be as good as the last one. This is not a low-self-esteem-ish thing - it's more of a statistics thing. On any given day, we are more likely than not do something that's in the average range. I mean, after all, that's why it's called, "average." Statisticians call it "regression to the mean." You do something really awesome one day, and the next day, you're likely to regress to your average performance, instead of doing super good, day after day. So, here's my next song, which probably falls in the average-range for me.


The Box Song

Box Song

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4. It's a true story! Y'know how you send your ex's stuff back them after you break up? Well, this is how that all went.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Moment of Silence Video

Okay, the top one is the final one, and the bottom one is a rough draft. Enjoy! (See below for description).

 Here's a draft of a video I'm making for the song, Moment of Silence, which I posted last week. I wanna tweak it a little bit, but here's the first draft I've done so far that's barely acceptable. This way, if I die before I'm able to do the more polished version, at least this video won't be forgotten. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Moment of Silence Is All I Need

Moment of Silence

 I'm putting a parental advisory picture on this song in order to serve as a trigger warning, cuz this song deals with suicidal stuff.

This song's gonna be part of an animated movie I'm working on about this horrible ear condition I came down with in 2019, which persisted into 2020. Well, I still have it, but it got more manageable in late 2020. It's called middle ear myoclonus. Middle ear myoclonus is muscle spasms or twitches in the middle ear that cause a person to hear rumbles, thumps, whooshes, clicks, and other bad sounds. When it first started, I kid you not, said horrible sounds were as loud as if they were coming out of a sub-woofer at a rock concert with my ear next to it. My ears would make those horrific rumbling sounds for hours and hours at a time, every 30 seconds or so, at random. It was startling and painful.

What makes it worse is, when you go to talk to doctors about it, they act all dismissive because most of them never heard about it. They were never taught it in medical school, so they just say things like, "just get used to it." Or, "why don't you distract yourself with other sounds?" (That doesn't work). It's rare to find a doctor who actually has heard of that condition and is willing to treat it (thankfully, I found one, after talking to about half a dozen doctors who didn't know shit).

Anywayyyyy, since that time, I've connected with other people online, who have the same condition. Lotta people get suicidal in response to this condition because it is torture, and it makes you stressed out all the time and feel alone and depressed. And this fun-fact makes me wonder how many people with this condition have completed suicide.

And, so, this is all a long-winded way of saying this song is telling all these dumb, dismissive doctors to take this condition seriously and NOT say, "At least it's not life threatening," because it is. It is life-threatening, because anything that makes people suicidal is life threatening, by definition, damnitall!!!!!

I Got Away From Him

I Got Away From Him

I Got Away From Him Mix 2

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4. The main character has gotten away from her gross ex-boyfriend and is relishing in her new-found freedom.

Friday, October 4, 2024

I Must Be A Horrible Person

I Must Be A Horrible Person

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4. The main character is reflecting on how he treated her horribly, but, as far as she knew, he treated his other girlfriends well. Is it cuz she's a horrible person??? Is it????

(Side Note: I hope I didn't accidentally plagiarize another song. This is one of those ones where I'm not sure. If so, I can't place it).

Thursday, October 3, 2024

I Leave a Trail Behind Me

Sucky i leave a trail behind me demo

 I'm doin' a project that involves writing songs about's one of them! Stay tuned for other stuff sort of like this.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

I'm Watching Kitty Cats Video


Here's my wee little experiment with combining live video with animation. Below is a recording of the song in stereo, in case you want to hear it in stereo (unfortunately, the animation software only makes mono versions of sound stuff). 

I'm Watching Kitty Cats


Friday, September 27, 2024

Maybe I'm The Devil

Maybe I'm The Devil

 Sometimes I wonder if, even though my ego tells me I'm a relatively decent person, I'm really quite bad underneath. Maybe stuff I'm doing these days that is socially acceptable by today's standards, but it is actually nefarious by a more objective standard. Y'know, like, maybe someday in the far, far distant future, whatever race of beings is alive on this planet will look back at us and say, "Those humans were evil." I mean, back in the day, people thought slavery was okay. Maybe there's stuff we're doing right now that's just as bad as slavery, but we all think it's fine cuz we're blinded by social norms and stuff.

Maybe, despite thinking I'm good, I'm actually quite evil. Maybe I'm the devil and I don't know it!

The picture is the illustration for a song I did a long time ago, but it fits with this one. Yes.

Note: I'm using a tritone in the verse-parts of the song - that was intentional. This little chord thingy I'm using is known as the Devil's Triad. Yay!

The Break Up Call

Break Up CAll

Break Up Call Mix 2

 Here's the momentous event, the break up call (the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4). It's the break up call! The BREAK UP CALL! My office mate was privy to the whole thing. True story.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Friday, September 20, 2024

There's Not Even a Point to Having a Point

Theres Not Even a Point to Having a Point

 Here's another existential number for you all. It's, yes, another existential little ditty, questioning the nature of existence and all that jazz.

Dialing My Boyfriend For The Last Time

Dialing My Boyfriend for the Last Time Mix 2

 This is a song about the beginning of a break up call (the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4).

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Why Did The Angel Leave?

Why Did The Angel Leave

 The more I slog through this life, the more I realize there's nothing protecting any of us. If there are guardian angels, they seem to be out to lunch somewhere when we most need them. Rather than the universe being a big, unified, loving whole, governed by a compassionate force, I've come to the conclusion that the universe is a dumb place of chaos and random shit. Nobody is safe, man. Not the righteous, and not the shit-heads. We're all at the precipice of horrible awfulness and Hell all the time, and some of us are already there, already in the place of horrible awfulness and Hell.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Into School


Into School With Intro Mix 4

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4; the main character decides to drive to school to do the break-up phone call with her boyfriend, so she won't end up associating her living room with the traumatic memory of a break-up call. She discovers that her office-mate is there, in the room where she's gonna do the break-up call!


Thank God Yesterday's Over Demo

Whoops, I didn't mean to post this - I was saving it for a rainy day. Oh, well, I guess that rainy day has come.

 This may not be a very good song, but it's probly something people can relate to.

Thank God Yesterdays Over Demo


Here's another demo. This here post is a dumping-ground for poorly done demos.

Purple SUV demo

Here's, yet, another demo, of a song that's part of a bigger project 

Motor Home Demo


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Linkin Park Song From Last Night Re-did, A Little Bit

Linkin Park Has A New Singer Part 2 Version 3

 Here's that song I did yesterday, where I realized the chorus-y part was a plagiarism of one of my other songs. I re-did the chorus, tryin' to aspire for a mood that was better with the rest of the song. Then I added another part at the end. I dunno if that other part at the end is needed, but there it is. Yeah, I'm a little ambivalent about that new part.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Linkin Park Has A New Singer - Part 2

Linkin Park Has A New Singer Part 2

 This is the 2nd song I did today about Linkin Park having a new singer. When I watched them all performing online yesterday, I was uber-impressed with how they sounded. Yay, excitement! Then I cried because I'll always miss Chester, and I'm sad about Rob leavin' the band (but respect his decision).

Oh, crikey. I realized I plagiarized one of my own songs in this one part. But I haven't posted that other song yet, cuz I don't have a version of it that I'm satisfied with. Alas. I guess if I ever do have a satisfactory version of that one song, I can go back and change the part that sounds like it in this song.

Linkin Park Has a New Singer - Part 1

Linkin Park Has a New Singer Part 1

 I did a couple songs today about Linkin Park having a new singer. I'm happy and excited that they're doing new music and stuff; and she's really good, too! Yay! But there's a sadness and a poignancy to the whole thing, since I'm gonna miss Chester and Rob (the drummer, who decided to leave the band).

My Mom Said You Don't Have To Wait

My Mom Said You Don't Have To Wait

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4; the girl and her horrible boyfriend have a fight, and at the end, he sez they should wait 4 days before they talk next, I guess to cool down or whatever. Upon hanging up, she realizes she's ready to break up with him, but is all bummed out about having to wait 4 days to do it.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Left Eyelid/Make It Stop

Left Eyelid

 My left eyelid has been twitching for a week now. FUCK!!!!!! Make it stop!!!!!!! (See music video below).

Monday, September 2, 2024

Crumbling Walls (Cont'd)

 Crumbling Walls Mix 2

 Here's another version of a song that I've been trying to improve about the end of the world. I made this version a wee bit repetitious. I'm not sure if I'm happy with it or not. Bleh.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Breadcrumbs Song Intro


Breadcrumbs Introduction

 This is either an intro to a song or a rough draft of said song. We'll see how I feel later on. My voice is poopy raspy-ness today, but usually the first performance is the best of any song. I dunno why that is. Anyway, it's a rough idea I got down for a potential song that might evolve into something.

Breadcrumbs Rough Draft

Here's a rough draft (above this writing). I still wanna do a better version of it, but at least you know what I want it to sound like, roughly.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Another Let Her Speak Video


Here's a link to the place that does the best printing of the book:

Let Her Speak on

See the post from 8/30/2024 for more links!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Level of Reason

Level of Reason

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album. The girl gets back from visiting her mean, controlling boyfriend, and they have a fight on the phone a week or so later.

Let Her Speak

 Here's another wee little ad for my book (I am endeavoring to make my ads something you'd want to watch, in general, and not all boring and stuff).

Here're some places you can buy the book (if you want):

Crumbling Walls


Crumbling Walls

 This is another one of those end-of-the-world songs. It's about people deciding to get drunk when the end o' the world comes. Let's get drunk and have a good time while the world falls, and the sun will start to shine through crumbling walls.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

What Is The Point?

What Is The Point

 This is a song from the point of view of someone who doesn't want to live anymore, but isn't necessarily suicidal. It's called, in the psychology business, "morbid ideation with no suicidal intent or plan." I should say...if you are suicidal, 988 is the number to call if you wanna talk to someone; and if you're a Veteran, it's 988, and then you press "1" for the Veterans Crisis Line.

Anyway, the theme of this song is, "Why bother bein' human, if all humans do is destroy the earth?" Enjoy!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Over You

Over You

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album. Part 4. The girl finally decides that she's ready to break up with her mean boyfriend, and she's talking to him in her mind, sort of.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

"Summer Theater???"

Summer Theater

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4. After the girl finds out she gets into a play, unbeknownst to her mean boyfriend, she hears his voice behind her, reading the subject line of the email ("Summer Theater"). She's all, oh, no, now he knows!

Friday, August 16, 2024

How Many Balls Drop?

How Many Balls Drop

 This song came to me in a dream last night. It's, literally, about dropping the ball, as in, messing up.

Friday, August 9, 2024

I Got Into The Play

I Got Into The Play

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album, Part 4. Remember a few songs back about how the main character auditioned for a play? This is the song that talks about the outcome of that audition.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Purple SUV With a Bubble-Butt, Second Version

Purple SUV With A Bubble Butt Version 2

 Here's the second version of the song I did last night; okay, I'm feelin' better about this one than last night's version. Just to recap, one day, a few months ago, I was driving around and I saw this purple SUV, and the back end was sorta blorpy. It was a purple SUV with a bubble butt! It sounded like a nice thing to do a song about, so that's what I did.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Purple SUV With A Bubble-Butt Rough Draft

Purple SUV draft

Purple suv demo 2

 A few months ago, I was driving around and I saw this purple SUV, and the back end was sort of blorping out. It had a blorpy back end. I thought to myself, "That's a purple SUV with a bubble-butt." That was the inspiration for this here song. But my voice sounds like ass today; it sound like my voice wiped someone's ass with sand paper. So, if I decide I like this song enough, I'll do a better version some other day in the not-too-distant-future. This is a really rough mix, too, cuz it got late, and my brain is too fried to do a bunch of good-mixin' stuff. I think the lyrics in the verses could be better, too; I think I wanna aspire to do something a little more poetical, if I do a subsequent version of it. Enjoy!

Okay, post--script - I think I know what to do to fix this song - the "Purple suv demo 2" one is the brain wave that came to me of how to make this song not suck so much   (see, also, below). Bleh, I'm tired. I'm gonna veg now.

Okay, I think I'm figuring out how to re-work this little song; just imagine this all nice and fleshed out with rapping and keyboards and bass and harmony vocals all that. Oh, man, yeah, this might work. This might just work.

You Are Not My Dad


You Are Not My Dad

 This is the next song in the Fucked Up Relationship Album #4. The main character gets in trouble with her boyfriend, this time around, for staying up late cuz she has jet lag. That's when she snaps. All at once, she makes the realization of how stupid this whole situation is, havin' a boyfriend, who acts like he's got all this authority over her, as if he was a mean parent and she was a naughty kid. She's like, what the fuck? What the actual fuck? Gettin' in trouble for watching TV? Really?