Friday, July 17, 2020

Louder Than a Whistle, Softer Than a Stone: Part 2

When I was listening to last week's song, I realized the ups and downs in my voice in part of the rapping-part made a melody. That melody got stuck in my head, and I decided to make a new song outta it. Or, maybe it's more like a reprise of last week's song. Maybe it's that.

The theme of this song is how when you major, horrible-awful-bad health problems, it makes you feel all alone. Then, Jesus comes down and says, "you're not alone." Then, my spirit sez, that's really nice, and it'll be better when I have some proof of that. It's not that I don't believe Jesus or anything. It's more like, it's hard to believe there's anything good in this world when you've been suffering a bunch.

No, wait, I don't wanna cast doom and gloom all over this here song, cuz it's kinda upbeat and all that. Then at the end of the song, you get to hang out some more with Timmy and Bobby. Good Timmy and Bobby.

This song also speaks to how, when you're young, you don't think any bad health stuff is ever gonna happen to you. It's like, you smoke pot and drink booze with your friends, and you feel like you're always gonna having a good time, smoking pot and drinking booze. Sometimes when you're young, you smoke pot and drink booze in trees, cuz when you're young, you're agile enough to be able to climb up trees and smoke pot and drink booze in them. You smoke pot and drink booze, not having an inkling or a clue about the horrible things that might happen to you.

Oh yeah, there's also a part of this song where I reprise a bit o' rap from the clock song from a long time ago; then, I do a variation on that there rap, just for kicks. I think that's about all you need to know about this here song.

The lyrics are:
My health concerns make me alone, and I will burn, chilled to the bone
Deliver me now - I don't care how - take me to Heaven on wings of a cow

Louder than a whistle, softer than a stone
Can you hear me whisper, "Don't leave me alone?"
Louder than a whistle, softer than a stone
Voices sing like missiles, coming through your phone

Health is something that you think will never fail
Now I feel like crap, I'm shrinking, ever pale
When you're young and dumb, you think you will escape
Being under thumbs of things that feel like rape
We were young, we were dumb, under nobody's thumb
Drinking rum, but days would come, and now we're feeling really bummed
It's no joke that we spoke of the toke that we smoked
On the oak with the folks, we thought that we would never croak

Louder than a whistle, softer than a stone
I prickle like a thistle, but don't leave me alone
Louder than a whistle, softer than a stone
Voices sing like missiles, coming through your phone

Timmy and Bobby want to see me get well, they want to
They want to see me go to Heaven, not Hell, they hum a tune
Timmy and Bobby want to see me feel fine, they want to
They want to see me go to Heaven on time
Timmy and Bobby want to see me feel like I'm fine
Simply not stopping, we want to flee to Heaven's mind
Heaven is inside this vocal-stream: What do I mean?
Words go up, words go down, melodies do not frown
When you talk, it's a knock, and a rap, like a clap
Vocal things start to sing, when time is King, bells will ring...

Louder than a whistle, softer than a stone
Jesus has epistles that come from Heaven's phone
Louder than a whistle, softer than a stone
singing-words, like missiles, say I'm not alone

Let's prove that to my soul

Timmy and Bobby had a nice thing to say
Had a nice thing, had a nice thing, had a nice thing, had a nice thing, had a nice thing

Let's prove that to my soul

Here's another player-thingy, in case the one above isn't compatible with your portable electronic device. Just an FYI: this mix is quieter than I want it to be - if you go to the actual podcast thingy this embedded thing is from, you can turn up the volume.

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