Friday, July 10, 2020

Louder Than A Whistle, Softer Than A Stone

This song riffs on the idea that songs (and other art, for that matter) come from other worlds. In this case, songs, come from a golden world of sunshine, not unlike how our planet used to be, before people wrecked it. In wrecking said planet, we created a species (us, in other words), who are crippled by fears of abandonment, because we're so fucked up, lacking a community, and lacking a connection to nature, like we used to have. It's another Timmy and Bobby song.

The lyrics are:
Timmy said that sunshine's bringing things that make trees start their singing
Bobby knows well when the world was singing, trees were bringing ringing

Louder than a whistle, softer than a stone
Hear me when I whisper, "Don't leave me alone."

What if this song is stolen from an Eden? Now, it needs re-seeding
My mind is gone, broken, receding, it is needing feeding

Louder than a whistle, softer than a stone
Hear me when I whisper, "Don't leave me alone."

Louder than a whistle, softer than a stone; I prickle like a thistle, but don't leave me alone
A golden sun-shining world gave me this song
I stole it from times when people sang along
Ancient melodies are coming through my ears,
Telling me to sing away my crying fears
Louder than a whistle, softer than a stone, voices sing like missiles, coming through your phone
I was scared to rap, but I got over it
Voices sing like claps that make old Rover sit

Timmy says now dreams are bringing things that make our hearts start singing
Bobby says how Heaven sings with things that make the bells start ringing

Louder than a whistle, softer than a stone
Hear me when I whisper, "Don't leave me alone."

Here's an alternative player-thingy, in case the one on here doesn't work on your portable electronic device.

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