Thursday, January 2, 2020

We're Taking On Some Water

We're taking on some water
In this song, the students see graduation coming up real fast and it feels ominous, almost like death or something. It's that theme of what the fuck do I do after graduation? They feel like they're gonna drown or something cuz there're no jobs to bail them outta their state o' desperation. (See below if you're unfamiliar with this project).

The stuff about "butter on the ceiling" refers to stuff that happened during the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. People used to leave butter on their tables because there weren't refrigerators back then. Apparently, the shaking was so hard, that the butter ended up on the ceiling.

Weird we're taking on some water
Here's last week's song if you turn it around backwards.

The lyrics are:
I’m better but I’m…bitter but I’m better
I’m bitter but I’m better bitter right now
The butter’s bitter…but it is getting better
My butter’s getting better I don’t know how
What is the thing I am hearing in my head?
Spirits of students that have been a long time dead
They say that back in the day they had seen
[The] teachers would play with their heads and were mean
Graduation’s coming really fast
Stuck inside a mind that’s in the past
Then the spirits whisper in my ear
Tend the fear-pits time is getting near

We’re taking on some water…we’re taking on some death
No faking how we got here…in the shaking of your breath

Spirits told me it’s got on the ceiling
Here it’s cold it is not a good feeling
Butter’s on the ceiling and our minds are reeling
But the teacher’s stealing things that we were feeling
They say this earthquake is something that we need
If we do not get in shape then we will start to bleed
That’s what the spirits told me today
But do not fear it is what we need to say

Now that I am just about to go
Things are coming that I do not know
Spirits from the time called yesterday
Fear is dumb [but I] don’t know how to play

One day, I started writing a song about a fucked up school. Then, a few days later, that lawsuit came out, involving those pervy professors in the Dartmouth Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. I was all, oh, my stars!!! That’s where I got my Ph.D.! Then I finished writing the song about a week later. I thought it was just a song about how the school system fucks up kids, but after I finished writing and recording it, I realized parts of it were about my experiences in that poopy psych department (the unconscious mind works in mysterious ways). In any event, I decided to write an album about a fucked up school in order to process my experiences of having been in that department and how the culture there impacted me. This album ain’t necessarily about Dartmouth, per se. It’s more of a weird, inner exploration where I’m, like, having a fucked up dialogue with my unconscious about my experiences at Dartmouth. Jung used to call that kind of stuff “active imagination.” So far, this album follows the story of a girl, whose guardian angels try to protect her, but often can't find her. The angels at some point decide that they have to protect the girl from those nasty teachers and start to plot against them. But then they realize they don’t want to actually harm the teachers, so they, instead, make the teachers’ brains into nature brains ™, which are basically brains that hear communications coming from nature spirits. The angels do this because they think it’ll give those teachers more empathy, and will, in turn, be nice to the students.  After the teachers receive those nature brains, they go crazy because a mountain starts speaking to them, and the numinosity of that experience is too much for them to handle.

Note: I'm having some weird health-shit right now. It makes me think o' my own mortality, so I'm posting this album ahead of time and putting it on a timer, so it'll be up there even if I get hit by a bus or something. I haven't finished all the backwards songs yet, so if I do die before I'm able to do so, the forwards songs'll come up every other week. There's a couple years left on the credit card that I'm usin' on the server that hosts these songs, and once it expires, this blog'll be all defunct. Or, the pictures and stuff'll be there, but the songs won't be playable. So, if there're any songs you like, I'd suggest right clicking them to save them on your own computer.

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