Tuesday, December 31, 2019

It's Too Late

This is the last song I recorded in 2019 - I mean, I recorded it just now. Later in the week, we'll get back to the usual school-album programming.

I did a remix because some o' the vocals were disproportionately loud, relative to the rest.

The lyrics are:
They're not going backwards, oh my God.

It's too late.

I have ears that don't stop ringing
My mind is broken but I can't stop singing
I'm blind and stupid but I'm learning
The world is turning but I/it can't/won't stop burning

Wish I could go backwards, backwards
Why fish die in a password, password
Wonder if God comes to take me
Under His thumb, wake me, wake me


Christy said...

Hey Becky, I was just on Facebook which I am almost never on, which led me to your songblog which led to me listening to your latest songs. I really like them!! I particularly like this one, "It's Too Late." Anyway, I was thinking "gee I really like this song" so I figured I would send you a note saying that. I know we've fallen out of touch again and that's my fault for getting caught up in life stuff and not reaching out. Anyhooselbees, I hope you're doing well - though I also know you are struggling/suffering right now - I read about your spinal/cervical/ear thing and it sounds miserable, hope you can find some relief soon. -Christy

becky said...

Hey Christy, it's great to hear from you!!!! I just saw your comment just now. Glad those songs're speakin' to you! Yeah, you're right about the suffering. What a clusterfuck. But, anyway, thanks so much for reaching out!!!!