Friday, February 21, 2025

President of Your Head


President of Your Head

 This is a REALLLLLLLY old little ditty. I wrote it back in 2000, so it's about 25 years old. Geez, man. I thought I'd do a little updated version of it with souped up lyrics and a rap and live drums and stuff. Here it is. Do us humans have free will? Or is there a little homunculus running things inside our brains and we don't know it?

Here's a mix with the drums higher in the mix...I dunno which version is better, though. Like, when I play it on my iPad speakers, the original mix's drums sound loud enough, but my Bose speaker would disagree. My headphones feel the same way as the Bose Speaker. And my computer speakers are like somewhere between the other 2.

President of Your Head Mix 2

 Okay, I tweaked one more thing - here's another mix:

President of Your Head Mix 3


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