Friday, November 4, 2022

The Girl With The Silver Rings - Cliffhanger #2

Here's the next song in the fucked up relationship album. Y'know how last week, the narrator was sayin' she was in shock and is getting ready to tell the audience something? Here's where she starts to say it. Y'know how lotsa couples say stuff like, "Someday when we're married, we should get purple silverware?" As in, someday, in the distant future, we'll get married and do stuff. But not right now. Well, in this song, the boyfriend sez, "will you marry me?" and the gal says "sure," thinking it's one of those casual exchanges. But then he gets all excited looking. What's gonna happen next? Stay tuned next week!

The lyrics are:

He showed up at my house for the first time
And everything seemed to be just fine

He said, "Will you marry me?"
And I said, "Sure!"

That is how couples always talk like
They say, "Let's get married and have tykes"
I figured that's just a way to say,
"I love you dear," and "Have a nice day"

But he got an excited expression
Shit, was I under the wrong impression?
I figured it was just a casual
Way to say our feelings are mutual

He said, "Will you marry me?"
And I said, "Sure"

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