Friday, September 30, 2022

And I Think I'll Give It A Try, Anyway


And I Think I'll Give It A Try Anyway

 Here's the next song in the fucked up relationship album. This is the chopped up version of the previous song, where the main character is expressing stuff she doesn't want the dude in the relationship to hear. This is the song where she finds out he doesn't smoke pot.

I had a just a tiny misgiving

Is he a credible person? I don't know if he is

He seems too perfect - how can this be?
But it seems like he's perfect for me
Unfortunately, he don't smoke pot
But even so, I like him a lot

He might not be as fun as my last boyfriend

I think I will go with the flow
Cuz he might be fun - you never know
He's older than dirt, but that don't mean
That he's got stodginess in his genes

And I think I'll give it a try anyway

Here's the little player thingy that goes at the bottom, in case the top one ain't your cup o' tea:

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